One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, December 31, 2010

Sing your heart song...

As we begin 2011, may our lives ring with the song of love, for ourselves, and for all those of our Earth Family.  May the beauty and fruitfulness of Mother Earth energize and delight us and may we in turn.. give thanks by honoring the needs and space of all Beings.

May diversity and difference be seen as rainbows of light offering us new perspectives and ways of seeing what we thought we knew and understood fully!

May we take the time to be with ourselves and those we love..May we rekindle our energies sitting, walking, dancing gently on Mother Earth.  May the birds join in our singing, may the stars light up our eyes and may all  creatures come to know that we know and love them as family.

May we let the past be past and feel the freedom and joy of a New Day...A New Beginning....May we be the change we wish to see in our world...

May Love who dwells within us...hold us, guide us, sustain us, as we freely share who we are with all...within the web of Life.  Live....Love....Laugh!!!  We are the ones we've been waiting for....!

We are the only ones who can Sing Our Heart Song!  Every song is needed...every song of love can heal and bring new life.... Let us be flowing channels of love...healing each other and Mother Earth.

Singing our heart Song..will bring new life...a life of and forgiveness....wrapped in the Beauty and Splendor of a healthy and renewed Earth Mother.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sing your song....

image;National Geographic
As we approach the new year may we have the grace and strength to let the past be past and, as  snow showers a blanket of newness over the Earth, may we walk into the new year singing our song of newness...

As the bright red of Cardinal catches our eye and warms our heart, may we allow the bright light of Divine Love within each of us to shower all we meet with Love; expressed in our own unique colors and ways.

May we last...give ourselves the love, forgiveness, care and respect that is ours, Gift of our Creator.  

As we walk in newness, singing our song..may we know the joy of living life fully with and among Our One Family.

Sing....Sing....Sing....! and know.. in doing so.. we make a difference!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Let your light shine...


Bless each day by letting your light kindness...humor...patience...generosity..!  Let's be the Light that we Are..and see the difference little things can make all through the new year!  Enjoy!

Monday, December 27, 2010

The peaks...


When I am tempted to mire myself in the difficulties of good it is to remember the peaks...the good times...those special moments when I knew I was not alone...even when it felt like it.  Those times when frustration and impatience turned to laughter and when tears of sadness were honored and brought gentle relief.

We have so much to be thankful for...lets not forget to take the time to count our blessings..even in the midst of a blizzard.  We may soon realize that we are at a peak...rather than a valley... it all depends on how we see what we see!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snow Blanket...

After a wonderful week with my sister, I came home Christmas Day due to the prediction of a large snow storm for Sunday.. the day I was set to travel home.   As I type it is snowing a blanket of white everywhere I look.  Soo glad I am not driving in it and can enjoy it as it falls.

May snow days give us time to rest and be at peace.  For those who have to do snow removal and be out in blizzard conditions, may you know peace and clarity as you do what you need to do. My prayers are with you.

As stores declare end of Christmas sales.. let us declare with our words and our actions that the Christmas Season has just been born and bless each new day with words and acts of kindness and love!! 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Star light...


This beautiful blossom makes me think of a Christmas Star....I pray that the light and love of Christmas may open our eyes and hearts to see that we are all One Family.  As One Family may we continue to know the joy of sharing simple gifts of love and kindness through the Christmas Season and all through the new year.

A blessed and peace filled Christams and New Year to all.  May the light of our Love given and received show us the beauty of ourselves and of all our family members!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The joy of Giving...

Think of all the snow flakes that gave themselves to create this beautiful image! What a generous gift.

This same generosity is seen in a video called "Companion to the Forgotten".  It was downloaded to my wall on Face Book.  You will be touched beyond belief by the expansive love given by one human being to the "forgotten".  I was inspired and had to post a reference to it, here.

Let's keep giving the Simple Gifts..a kind word, patience, a cup of coffee, your presence, a simple meal, a note of thanks or forgiveness... they are the real and best ones we can offer.!

Enjoy the gift of giving!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sacred Space...
This quote from Brian Swimme touches something in me that makes me want to dance with joy and at the same time..I wonder...what does this really mean? I know and yet I don't know.  Ponder his words for yourselves.
"We are space, an opening
where the Universe
Celebrates its existence"

The First Gifts....

As we think about the gifts we'd like to give and receive this year..lets give our families and ourselves the gift of getting back in touch with the natural world!   These generous gifts are freely given and bless the receiver in abundant ways.

Take some time to really see...with new eyes the beauty that is all around us...Take a walk....gaze at the stars... Take note of the dancing rays of golden sun that pour through your windows...

Thank you dear Mother Earth for your abundant and generous gifts....Help us to see you with new eyes and an open heart....Help us to appreciate and understand that you and all of our family members in the natural world are the First Gifts of Life.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rock solid and yet...

The power of change is with us whether we see it or not.  I am in awe as to how gentle water can wear away the most solid of rocks..yes, it is over a period of time..yet it happens consistently.  Change is constant in so many ways can I become more comfortable with that reality?

How do I look at change? With the eyes of fear and uncertainty..or with the eyes of newness and even adventure, confident that I have all I need for the present moment!  I tend more toward seeing with the eyes of fear and uncertainty and I want to move more consciously and steadily toward seeing with newness, adventure and confidence. 

Staying in the moment definitely helps me to see with newness and even adventure because the daily things take on a slower and more "in touch" reality.  Thank you water and stone for opening my eyes to a more positive understanding of change!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Song of Thanks..

 Photo by:  Harvey Doerksen/US Fish and Wildlife Service

After gathering material for almost three years, today I gave my first workshop on "Coming Home to Mother Earth". We were a small group which blessed us with a deeper intimacy then we would have had with a larger group.  Folks were very open to all that we did and it was gratifying and deeply touching to hear their stories as they expanded their sense of family and received the love and wisdom of our sisters and brothers in the natural world.

For myself, I am glad that I finally took the risk of doing a workshop and look forward to sharing the experience with others.  Workshop isn't really the word I want to use to describe the experience, but it will do for now until a more explicit word is found.

Thank you Cardinal for choosing me today, and helping me see your many gifts. I loved getting to know you better!

ps: I was reminded by a friend's post on fb that this days experience was considered a "day of reflection" and that resonates with me much more than workshop.. So now I will speak in terms of offering a "Day of Reflection on Coming Home to Mother Earth!"

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Warmth and nourishment..

Thank you dear sheep for giving us the warmth of your wool and the nourishment of your body.  I want to keep your gifts in mind as we hear more about you in our Christmas Stories.  Often you and your gifts go unnoticed.

If I were willing would I be to give so much to those who may not even notice or appreciate my gift..??  Yet.. you remind me that we can become more aware of you and your gifts to us.. and in being aware also more grateful. 

Your family members gather in flocks in order to protect the more fragile from predators and to protect the flock as a whole because you are stronger as a group than when you are separate.

During this Christmas Season may we find small and large ways to offer warmth and nourishment to all of our sisters and brothers..and as we gather with friends and family to pray and celebrate may we be renewed in our love and support for one another.

Today and each day.. Let's find ways to reach out to the more fragile and vulnerable of our family members and give them that same warmth,  nourishment and  support of  "the flock".

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving continues....

I had a wonderful week with my sister as we shared Thanksgiving together.  We have so much to be Thankful for and we tried to make Giving Thanks a part of each wonderful day.  Thanksgiving was very relaxed as we didn't do a big meal this year. We had a "ribs" dinner from the Texas Rhode House that we brought home the night before Thanksgiving.   We relaxed, talked, watched the Macy's parade and took a nap in the afternoon!
With the Christmas Season upon us we want to have a Christmas that truly reflects the meaning of the Season and once again take the time to give Thanks for our many blessings and enjoy being with one another.  We're going to limit our gift giving and try to help a family in need.

 I truly want to enjoy each day and do simple things that can put a smile on someones face without breaking the budget.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could hear folks saying.. they are enjoying this wonderful time again, rather than "can't wait for it to be over" because of stress and fatigue.

Let's see just how powerful giving simple gifts can be in lifting someones spirits and bringing peace and joy to one another..!!! 

Some of the simple gifts for me include, holding doors open for each other, being patient in a long line, looking into the eyes of someone and smiling, saying thank you with a warm grateful heart, and telling those we love.. just how much we love and appreciate them.  Taking time to be with... for a cup of coffee or an ice cream sundae with friends and family. 

Playing games together!!  My sis bought an updated version of Monopoly and we are going to play when I go back for Christmas.

Thank you for the gift of you.. and enjoy giving the simple priceless gifts to one another!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Give thanks..

Just as I give thanks for the beauty of the setting sun, I also give thanks for the "good news" that I found in the news, tonight on the web.  Small steps making a difference in our lives.

"Random Acts of Culture" was a joy to watch and hear, thank you so much to all who brought such a joyous occassion about.  I give thanks for the "Patriot Millionaires" who have signed a petition on their web site, asking congress not to renew the tax cuts for those in their financial bracket, when the tax cuts expire. They see doing this as one way to trim down our country's huge debt.  I give thanks for Oprah who so generously shares her wealth with so many folks near and far. Her show today brought much joy to all of the participants in the audience who received Oprah's favorite gifts in this final season of her show.

We may not all agree on these, but for me, they bring out the best of who we are rather then the worst, which is more often displayed.

We too, can find "Good News" in our daily lives if we are willing to see it; A good nights rest, a delicious meal, a warm hug from a friend an unexpected gift.  We do have much to be thankful for. 

From which perspective will I choose to see?

Another perspective..

I recently received this information in the mail from The Sioux Nation Relief Fund and wanted to share it:
"The Reality of Thanksgiving:  History tells us that in 1620 a group of Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth, MA. An unfamiliarity with the region, bitter cold weather conditions, inadequate clothing and little readily available food proved fatal to more than half the one hundred or so colonists.

Witnessing the death of so many men and women, the Wampanoag Indian tribe began supplying the remaining Pilgrims with corn seed and teaching them how to hunt wild game.  In the fall, the Pilgrims harvested a bountiful food crop.  In an act of appreciation to the American Indians, Governor Bradford declared a celebration of thanks, which we now know as the first Thanksgiving.

The genuine act of kindness demonstrated by the American Indians at that time, helped the colonists to survive in the new world.  But with terrible consequences to the American Indians.  As the number of colonists grew, the struggle of the American Indians began.

For hundreds of years, forces greater than the American Indians have been working against them.  The vast lands which were once "home" to American Indians have been reduced to scattered reservations, which many groups say are worse than inner-city ghettos, and comparable to third world poverty.

Many American Indians have been reduced to depending on others...just like the original colonists were 390 years ago.  This tragedy is a sad testimony for American Indians in our grand land of plenty and opportunity."

This is a perspective of Thanksgiving, I did not hear as I grew up. The focus was always on the Pilgrims.
We have not treated our sisters and brothers of the American Indians as we ourselves would like to be treated.  Even more, how much of the American Indian Story.. do we really know?  The famous saying.. "Get to know my story" before you judge me..has strong validity here.

For my part, I would like to say to my sisters and brothers of the American Indians, I am so sorry for all that you have suffered and continue to suffer. Your story and Your truth has not fully been told.  I will do what I can to share your story and your truth...getting my information from you and from your stories. 

Thank you for another perspective on the Reality of Thanksgiving!

Thank you Wild Turkey...


With Thanksgiving approaching, I thought It might be a good idea to take a closer look at Turkey. What a majestic and colorful creature you are. The number of  feathers you have and the variety in size and color amaze me.
One other thing I learned about you at A-Z was that you are an adept flyer!! I hope some day to see you in flight!
For so many years I have eaten of your flesh and never really taken a good look at you for who you are.
You and your family members have fed me/us so often. I loved waking up to the wonderful aroma of your meat being cooked as Mom prepared the table around which we would gather and give thanks.  I didn't really understand back then the full gift that you gave to us, as you gave us your life.

For too long, I took you for were food being cooked..Not a beautiful being willing to give your life that we might eat.

Now.. I see you differently and I hope I honor your gift more deeply for the sacred offering that you share.
May we this thanksgiving, take the time to give thanks for your sacred being, as we commune not only with you but with all of our loved ones with whom we will gather.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What will it take?

Sometimes those things that are "in our face" are the hardest to see!  Of course I see it, don't I?? 

As the human family struggles with the reality of Climate Change.. Who to believe? What to believe?
Change is occurring!  Just as clouds can change the perspective of these mountains.. the mountains remain.

Clouds of uncertainty can affect our perspective...regarding on going changes within the Web of Life; yet the changes remain.
 Are we willing to see what we would much rather not see?

What will it take for us to see, the impact of humans, on the Web of Life of which we are a part?
Even more.. what will it take for us to come together as a world family to address the changes and the impact of the changes on the most vulnerable of Beings, non human and human?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Golden Light of Love and hope..

My heart goes out to our sisters and brothers in Haiti as they face a Cholera epidemic. What hurts the most is that this epidemic would have far less impact if the people had access to clean water and were able to wash their hands as needed. This is not the case for a good portion of the people in Haiti

Just as this golden sun lights up the entire  sky, Let us pray that an out pouring of love in both prayer and action will stop the epidemic in its tracts.

 If we were facing this same crisis would we not hope that folks would come to our aide?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The power of one..

I have become fascinated lately with the magnitude of community within our world family... Each of these communities  recognize the need for and the power of one.  Do we recognize our own power?

Just as this beautiful bouquet in order to be its complete self, needs each and every petal.  Take some time today to take note of similar examples of community and the power of one..

Grass=many blades of grass in order to be whole... Sand=many grains of sand to be whole...Snow=many flakes of snow to be whole...

Where did we get the idea that "one" can not make a difference?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blossom into Peace...

In a recent Green Mountain Monastery news letter Sr. Gail and Sr. Bernadette were sharing about a workshop experience entitled "Living Ahimsa-The Power of Peace". "A-Him-Sa is a Sanskrit word which means, "absence of the desire to hurt". Their Vedic teacher, Mother Maya is going around the world urging the human community to take this vow in a collective effort to heal and transform systems of power from the inside out.

Sr. Gayle also said, "In a time when we are experiencing the "disappearance of the subject" at so many levels,  taking the vow of Ahimsa is an immediate and deeply personal way to link us to an emerging consciousness that recognizes Earth and all beings as a "Communion of Subjects" not a collection of objects.

We have taken the vow of Ahimsa ourselves and have invited others to do the same using the following words:

I take the vow of Ahimsa. I make inner harmony my first priority I take the vow of Ahimsa in my thoughts, speech and actions.

Sr. Gayle and Bernadette invite each one of us to join them in taking this vow. If you choose to do so you can let them know by sending an e-mail to

I have chosen to take this vow and pray that "together" we can become a "Communion of Subjects"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What is your dream for our World?
As we ponder our dream for our world, let's first and foremost choose to know that it is possible!  We first have to choose it.. and then act on it.. moment by moment.. step by step. 

For me, understanding  and honoring our place in the Web Of Life.. is primary. I want our children to know the beauty of a sunset, the joy of playing in crystal clean waters, the ability to breathe clean fresh air.  I want our children to know the unique gifts shared by all Beings for the benefit of All Beings.  I want all Beings to have safe and healthy habitats and homes.  This is my dream.. and I don't think I am alone!

Now that I finally understand what he meant, I can't stop reminding us of Chief Seattle's words:  "What we do to Mother Earth we do to ourselves."

 Let's give ourselves and our world family what will bring us "Fullness of Life, joy and peace". 
 And before we will never happen.. let's say: Yes.. We.. Can.. with each of our thoughts, words and actions!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Vibrant color..

On a gray day I needed to see this rich and deep color.  I love the gentle presence of each drop of dew!  Gray days are good reminders of the power of color in the Web of Life.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Who decides?

I have mixed feelings about what this image shows!  Giraffe seems content..but..would she/he rather be in a different space?  With such long legs and his/her slender neck..wouldn't she/he rather be in a wide open space to run freely and pick food from tall tree branches?

Space is a critical issue for so many..and for many the decisions about their space are out of their hands!

A zoo can bring much joy and awareness of many unique creatures...but...if the beings in the zoo had a choice, would they choose the often tight closed in spaces they are given? 
Years ago as I was preparing for a study trip to Mexico, with other Sisters of Mercy, to explore how local and global issues are connected, we were presented with this question:  "Who decides, Who gets, How much, Of what?  

I think that question is as valid today as it was then not only with regard to those who are made poor in the human family but for all of our sisters and brothers in the natural world who can not speak on their own behalf.
"Do unto others as you want done unto you"...does this not include the issue of space, dwelling and habitat for those who give their lives for our needs on a daily basis?

Taste and See...

"Taste and  See the goodness of our God"
How many times I have heard those words in my life.  Yesterday at a day of prayer I heard them again in a whole new way.. Taste.. and See.. every day we have the opportunity to do both..but do we?

Look at the beauty of this fruit.. the design, the shading..the inner pattern created by the core and seeds,
the rich deep color and the sparkle created by light on juice..!  Smell the aroma!  Thank you orange for giving us the best of you!

Each day as we are tasting all the gifts that are given to us;  Each day as we see sun, sky, clouds, children, puppies, oranges.. and are reminded once more of all  that is given to us.

Will we choose to really taste..? Will we choose to really see.?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Aren't we related?

Yes! and I want you to know I love your deep penetrating eyes, your thoughtful face, and
your wonderful sense of humor and mischief!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The oil spill impact continues..

This photo, along with others, was just made public by the Associated Press and the Lophelia 11 2010 Research Group.
Cain Burdeau of the Associated Press writes:
"For the first time, federal scientists have found damage to deep sea coral and other marine life on the ocean floor several miles from the blown-out BP well  --a strong indication that damage from the spill could be significantly greater than officials had previously acknowledged."

He continues: "Coral is essential to the Gulf because it provides a habitat for fish and other organisms such as snails and crabs, making any large-scale death of coral a problem for many species. It might need years, or even decades, to grow back."

BP just recently stated that they are ready to begin drilling again!!
How much of our Earth Family do we have to lose before we say enough!!

Forgive us Ocean Family, we humans truly do not know what we are doing!!

I dare you not to smile...
How can you not smile at this precious Koala!  A-Z tells us that a baby Koala spends the first 6 months of life hidden in the pouch on the front of the mother.

During this time the Koala eats only the milk produced by the mother and grows its fur, ears and eyes.  When they are older Koalas love to climb trees and eat eucalyptus leaves.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fragile Beauty...
There's just something about this picture that makes me catch my breath in awe!  The delicate swirl of the sands, dark shadows and and golden light with the rawness of  mountains against a vivid blue sky!!

One breath of wind and the scene is all new.  Part of me says.. no, no, let things be..and moves on..will you also move or stay back?

The swiftness of change is not easy for me..and I do want to move forward and not stay back..This image speaks to both strands in my heart..the ever changing grains of sand..along with the solid presence and slower changing Mountains.

Give me the courage dear family to move and to stand as I embrace life moment to moment. Thank you for your beauty and your strength in the short term and the long!  Your presence speaks clearly of our ability to change rapidly and to stand firm and move more slowly as needed!

Whew!! Once again I am in awe of your wisdom!! Thank you.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Play brings new insights...
I need your playfulness tonight dear Dolphin...I so want your needs and the needs of all beings to be recognized  and addressed and yet we humans continue to focus on other things.. and don't seem to grasp the urgency of your need.

When I get to serious I know I need to lighten up and your very presence in this image allows me to do that... Thank you.  Taking the time to laugh at myself and to play gives me a chance to relax, let go and open myself to new ways of looking at "the same old... same old"! 

I also need to remind myself that many in our world family are conscious of your needs!  With a new perspective and the awareness of a broad base of support I/We can again take one step at a time until all of our human family moves together to bring about healing and health for you and all our relations in the natural world.

Thank you again, Dolphin family for reminding me/us of the need for playfulness especially in serious times!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

For our children...


Realizing that our planet is in peril and has urgent needs to be met so that all children will have a viable future,
let us commit ourselves to bringing forth,
an environmentally sustainable,
spiritually fulfilling,
socially just,
human presence on the planet.

Moment by Moment..

The process of change occurs usually in small steps. Each small step consistently taken on behalf of Mother Earth.. makes a difference.  Her pain is real and her condition is critical. We want a healthy Planet for our children and their children.

We also want a world where we consistently strive toward peace and justice for all. Make your voice heard through your vote today.  We the People must speak and act if the peace we want is to come about for all our sisters and brothers ..If the debt reduction we want is to come about....If the positive changes we want are to come about.

Let's strive toward cooperation rather than competition..and an appreciation of diversity rather than fear of difference. All Beings.. want a safe home, clean and safe water, rich and fertile soil.  This is the moment of decision and transformation.. pray and vote! 

The changes will not be instantaneous...hopefully they will be thought out..with future generations in mind and to the good of all affected by them.  Our "instant" culture is not helpful when making key long term decisions.
Let's give Peace and Positive change a chance!!  If not us.. than who?

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Long View...

This picture brought to mind the question of how I choose to make choices and decisions in my life. I am realizing more and more the importance of thinking about the long term...our future generations! That sounds "heady" yet at the same time.. each choice I make "makes the future"!

Think of our children facing our current debt as a nation! Heavy debt can mean heavy burden..! So.. what choices can I make now that will be more of a benefit to our future generations?

Our Indian sisters and brothers speak of making decisions with the next 7 generations in mind!!

Some of our choices are very short term.. yet even then..they can have long term impact.. like disposing of trash out the window as we drive ...!

Thank you Family for reminding me to consider my decisions more carefully as to their affect on all beings for the future as well as the present!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

The power of small...

Plant a word of love heart-deep in a person's life.
Nurture it with a smile and a prayer, and watch what happens.—Max Lucado

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What do you choose??

I feel overwhelmed with 'information" as the elections near. My prayer is that we take the time to cast our vote.. make our voice heard and at the same time..respect the differences of others.

For me, this election is not about.. taking sides.. its about all of us as a people choosing those folks who will work on behalf of "we the people" especially the most vulnerable!
We share this planet as one family..all of us want peace..a safe home..a good education..a living wage.. To many times I've heard, Oh be real, Peace will never come!  Justice will never come... safe housing will never come...  I choose to believe otherwise..

We will get what we choose..!! One step at a time.. One action at a time.. What do we choose?
Let our actions speak louder than any of our words..
 And yes.. it will take time..        Look at the community effort that brought 33 miners in Chile to the surface alive....In taking the time needed..with the sharing of many diverse gifts and talents..toward one goal!!! they accomplished their goal!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Muchas Gracias...

My heart overflows with joy tonight as all 33 Chilean miners have been rescued after 69 days underground!
Thank you Luv... and thank you to all who participated in the rescue effort in any way.  It warmed my heart to know that so many in our world family were watching, waiting and praying with our sisters and brothers in Chile.  May the rescue workers underground be brought up safely and may all get a good nights rest.

Monday, October 11, 2010

What do you see?

Like ourselves, Mother Nature has many faces. When I glimpsed this photo I thought.. "Basket ball player in the making!!"  and.. "The gift of being alone and together". 

I'd love to know what you see?  Would you take a few minutes and share what comes to you as you look at this photo?  Funny or serious.. I'd love to hear your responses.  Thank you.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The layers of our lives..


As I looked at the many layers or petals in this beautiful rose all I could think of was ahhh "the many layers of our lives".  All beings are unique and complex..and move within that uniqueness and complexity on a daily basis.  How often I say of some one.. Oh I know her...! No I don't not really.. I know what has been chosen to be revealed..just as I am known by what I choose to reveal.  Do we ever really know an other's full story?
How amazing...fragile and sacred our family is!

Thank you dear Rose for reminding me of the uniqueness and complexity of each of our family members.  When I look and want to judge a behavior or an action.. may I be reminded that I don't know the whole story!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Light in the darkness...
The soft golden light permeating the darkness aptly describes what I have been experiencing or more learning this week...I am learning a new appreciation for clouds and the power of darkness.  Why do I usually equate darkness with negativity ...when.. as this beautiful image shows me..without the darkness the golden hues of light would not be seen as clearly and sharply.  I love this photo!

I also know ...that without the darkness of the night sky... stars would not be seen in their full brilliance...I know it...but do I appreciate the role of darkness in that display...Darkness...can be beautiful!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hovering presence...

What an incredible view of our cloud family!  I see the potential for humor and yet I do not want to minimize or diminish the magnitude of  cloud's presence.   What fullness and beauty..!  Feathery soft and at the same time boldly strong... I love how the waves of light highlight clouds edges. 

I wonder what cloud and stone might say to one another?   Is clouds hovering presence seen as threatening or welcoming?
What is my response when clouds hover over my life?  Do I automatically name cloud's presence as negative?  Can such a powerful presence be positive?  What determines how I choose to see?  Maybe I just have to wait... before I label the meaning of clouds presence to soon!

Thank you clouds, I am beginning to see you in a very different light!

Keen observer!!

For all their mischief squirrels are alert and focused when they want to accomplish something!  I have been learning this week just how quickly my focus can shift!  There was a sign about some up coming road work that I wanted to be sure to read before I got home. Just before the sign came up, I got curious about a man carrying a sign that he was putting up on the left hand side of the road. In that very brief shift..I missed the sign I really wanted to read!!

Squirrel, help me to become as focused as you are, when you have a mission you want to accomplish!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Today I needed to be reminded that "Life is changed, not taken away"! 
My heart breaks at the death of a vibrant  19 year old male and then an
 incredible 31 year old woman!!
I knew them and their families through my Pastoral Ministry work
here in Rhode Island.
 I have been given the gift of life for 66 years..
I do not understand ..."Luv"..  Sacred Mystery
I trust Your Love...
You have the Bigger Picture that I do not..
Life is changed...not taken away...
Peace and strength to all those who grieve the loss
of a loved one...
Life is changed...not taken away!!
Thank you dear Blue...for reminding me
of our
on going transformation process...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How well and in what am I rooted?

What an incredible web of roots tree has!  Which has me thinking about my own roots.. not in terms of family history but in what grounds me.!  Nourishes me?  Sparks my energy?  Where do I gather strength when the journey gets rough?  What keeps me going when the road has lots of twists and turns?
Is it possible to take our roots for granted?  How often do I give thanks for my roots?  And I have to include my family roots because without them.. I would not be here!   More and more I am  seeing that my "family roots" are more expansive then just the human family!
Ahhhhhhhhhh have given me much to ponder.. Thank you!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ah Ha moment...

How often do I have to hear something before I really take it in?   I have always been awed by the development of the Butterfly from Caterpillar to Chrysalis to Butterfly.. The process was slow...deliberate and fulfilled in its own time.

Well.. today I realized that I/WE/Life is in that same process, each Being in their own way, on a daily basis.
Moment to moment is a movement toward growth...and we as humans are conscious of our choices as to how and when we will proceed.   How blessed we are to be given that opportunity moment to moment on a daily basis.

Somehow this Ah Ha moment energizes me and challenges me to take each gifted moment and do my utmost to move forward in a positive and intentional manner!! 

It's not that I was not aware of this Life process.. It's just that I now truly realize the gift and impact of the Life Energy and process that I share with all life. All of my choices matter..all of my thoughts matter..small or large..!  All Life Forms affect the life and growth of one another...our interactions with all of our family members matter. 

Thank you dear Butterfly for manifesting in your life the life process we all share.. each in our own way..
Thank you Mystery of Life for opening my eyes and my heart to the magnificent and precious gift we are and are becoming!!

The words of Saint Iraneus come to mind.. He said.. The Glory of God is Man fully alive..  I think he would also resonate with the adaptation "The Glory of God is All Creation Fully Alive!!

Let us take each moment of our Aliveness and move forward until we can sing with joy of being Fully Alive.. and... the gift is.. "Fully Alive" keeps expanding and expanding... Wow...!    

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Celebrate ...

After a difficult day yesterday the sun came out today..I was taking myself far too seriously and my focus was on ME shoulds. and oughts were in high gear..!  Peace came as I chose to be more compassionate with myself and lovingly accept "All of Me"...doing the best I can in this moment! 

Thank you beautiful golden flower for reflecting the beauty of the sun coming back into my life.   And I think Sun would add.. Ah..Assunta..I never just couldn't see me through your clouded vision!!

Risk Taker..

I've been getting stuck in moving forward because I hesitate in taking risks and let my fear of change hold me back.  This image caught my eye because to me it grow here will be risky.. but I'm willing to take the chance .. and that is just what I need.. to be willing to take the chance.. how else do we grow!

Thank you Tree for your courage and willingness to take the risk of growing in what some may consider an unlikely spot..your journey has given me the courage to step out!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A different perception..

With this view of Mountain..I have a greater appreciation for the skill and strength of those who climb mountains!!  The path is not clear and negotiating the path requires attentiveness, sure footing and patience... The climb is not about speed...its about being focused and reaching the goal....So much like life itself!!  
Your beauty, Mountain, is worth the climb..and the journey to the goal is valued just as much!

Thank you for also showing me that, as much as I love and honor you, I also have to honor my physical limitations and know that climbing you  is not possible.  The same skills in climbing you, however, are just as valuable in climbing the mountains of my life journey.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Golden Sunset..

inviting all Beings to take time to rest
and to BE..
Image: Beautifulfreepictures

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hide and Seek..

I see you Gorilla..and I also see what looks like a smile of mischief on your face!  It's nice to know that our family members in the natural world also enjoy fun and play.   Thank you for showing us your fun side and reminding us to show ours!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Am I really listening?

Listen with the intent to understand...
rather than the intent to reply!
Steven Covey