One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Please pray for...

our sisters and brothers
 in Central and South America who
are living with the results of recent heavy rain. Take a minute
to send them your love and concern, which will give them
strength and hope.
Let us also remember
all of the creatures affected by the rains,
their habitats destroyed.  Thank you.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Simple things can become special blessings...

My sister was with me this past weekend and we went to Great Harvest Bread Co. for breakfast.
They have a wonderful sandwich called "The Gorilla"; mashed bananas, natural peanut butter and granola on the bread of your choice, then grilled.. you can add bacon if you choose.

The last time I was there, I was told that until they could get good bananas they were not offering "The Gorilla!" So this time I came prepared, I brought my own banana. Everyone had a good laugh when they saw my yellow banana. I chose NOT to have a Gorilla and had their egg and cheese sandwich instead. End of "banana story"? NO!

After my sister and I had sampled Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread, so moist, Blueberry Bread and Pumpkin Scones topped with a Maple Spread, we sat down for our breakfast!

As we were eating, one of the servers came over to our table and asked me if she could purchase my banana! Purchase I said take it..! A family had come into the bakery and their child was all excited about having "The Gorilla"!! My banana was needed for the sandwich! I was delighted as to how things turned out and couldn't believe that a simple banana was blessing so many!!

The server blessed me with a coupon for a free loaf of bread...and a Pumpkin Chocolate Chip bread would be coming home with me because of her generosity.

What started out as a playful joke, turned out to be a beautiful blessing! My sister and I decided that from now on when we come to Great Harvest...I was in charge of making sure we had a beautiful yellow banana!

Think about the simple joys of every day....and try not to take them for granted...! Your coffee...your fresh cheese...even your bananas!!