One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A key message for you...

you are loved
without conditions!!

A heartfelt reminder...
Remember how Loved you are...
Each day during this Easter Season
take a few minutes to look back over your day..
and bring to mind
all of the ways
large and small
you have been reminded of how loved you are!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I know...But!!

A-Z Animals
As we prepare to celebrate Easter
I see this precious chick in a whole new way.
My heart is broken after seeing a video
called "The Peaceable Kindgdom" yesterday at
a workshop at Rivier College.
The video presented graphic images of the treatment
of cows and chickens housed in "factory farms" here
in the United States.
Cruel, painful, horrible are a few of the words that came to mind as I watched through my tears.
These beautiful creatures give their lives
that we might eat...
and yet..
their sacrifice is not even honored or appreciated.
They are treated as objects...housed in a way
that insures large numbers, in a dark and overcrowded space,
so that their eggs and meat can be taken in as little time as possible for the cheapest over all cost!
And we think that our meat and our eggs
 are good and healthy?
I looked into the eyes of a terrified cow,
 being boxed in
and made ready for slaughter..
How is this healthy and good for ANYONE!! 
The frosting on the cake came when I remembered
something I saw just recently
 regarding pending legislation before congress.
A bill was being considered and may have already passed
that bans videos and pictures being taken at Factory Farm sites!!!!

The truth must come forth...
and the many creatures of our family
must be given the honor, protection
and sacred regard that they deserve.
They are giving their lives
that we might eat...
I know...