One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Original Blessing"....!

For some reason this close up took my breath away! 
So fragile a creature..yet so strong and beautiful.  How is it that I can see Butterfly close up and name him/her beautiful...yet not do the same for myself or others? 

Sad to say my first reaction response was "there are no flaws"!!! More truthfully..I see no flaws.. they might be there but I do not see them.  How did we as humans get so caught up and entrapped by our flaws?
"Don't do a close up of me..I'm afraid of what you'll see."!!

As Christians we have lived with the understanding of "Original Sin" which has made us more conscious of our flaws and failings rather than of our beauty and goodness.  I'm not saying don't be responsible for what we say and do..that's a given; I'm saying can we change our focus to a more positive one?

For myself,  I would choose the words of Mathew Fox, "Original Blessing" as a new focal point. What If we looked at ourselves and all we meet through the eyes of "Original Blessing"???  I think we'd have a whole new perspective and understanding  of ourselves and others!

Friday, January 21, 2011


What a view...above the mountains! ....above the clouds!  What a gift.  There are some who have never seen from this perspective!  Being willing to see from another perspective is often a risk for us...but a risk worth taking!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This beautiful Cactus caught my eye and my heart.  Her rounded green and gold shape, her deep center, and the many layers of sharp needles leading to that center.  What's at the core and why are there so many sharp needles leading to it?  I don't know. I can find out, but only if I am willing to risk looking within.

What does all this say to me? Do I know what is at my deep center?   Why is it that I so diligently close off access to that deep center for myself and for those I say I love?

What would happen if I allowed access to that deep center?  What would I find?  The fragile parts of me/us need to be protected...yes...but if I/we never get to know those places within can they be healed?  If I am to become the best of who I am, that fragile core needs to be touched and healed?

Thank you dear Cactus for challenging me to take the steps that can lead to healing and freedom!  Give me the courage to take down my defenses so that I can know, appreciate and accept the fullness of who I am.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thank you...

I wanted to celebrate the one year anniversary of my blog with this image as it reminded me of the need to remain open if I am to grow. 
Open to life...Open to new ideas...Open to new understandings...Open to admitting mistakes...
Open to forgiving and being forgiven... Open to laughter and fun...

If I look deeply enough there is unseen beauty within.

Sharing in a blog was a whole new experience for me and after one full year I can say I am glad I took the risk.  In this new year.. I would love and be open to...hearing more from you who stop by to read my reflections.

Thank you for taking the time to stop and read and thank you in advance for being open to share your thoughts and ideas.  We have much to share with one another.

Sunday, January 16, 2011



On this beautiful day may the Love you are shine through!  Take some time to just say thank you for so many of the wonderful little things in our lives.  I just enjoyed a soy decaf coffee and an oatmeal raisin cookie after sharing in a beautiful celebration of Eucharist.   Part of me was sad for all of our family members who are in such pain..and as I prayed for them I wanted to name my gratitude for all that I have been given.

May the light of the golden sun.. and the joy and love of the Christmas season live in us through the new year!

Do something that will make you smile and know that all of our love and prayer sent to our suffering family members makes a difference!  Have a wonderful day and new week.