One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Your help is needed...

Please hold in prayer Sr. Stella Matutina, a Benedictine sister
in Mindanao, Philippines....
Her life has been threatened because  she stands with the people, to push back greedy corporations who are destroying the land.

I just learned of her work, after reading the blog Eco Catholic by Sharon Abercrombie on the National Catholic Reporter Website...The post for today was titled:
"Saying Yes..could help save Our Planet"
The following is taken from the blog, sharing the words and work of Sr. Stella Matutina:
"In a July 6 Catholic News Service story, Matutina recalls witnessing massive landslides, flooding and deaths caused by logging and mining practices during 2007.

"I heard the cry of the poor and the groaning of creation, but our government was deaf," she said. "Thousands of people were dying every year but our government was doing nothing to protect the environment."
Since then, she has organized environmental action sessions to teach the people how to push back against the ecological destruction.

Companies are enraged. She received death threats after helping one community block the entry of heavy mining equipment, the CNS story reports. The blockade prompted the canceling of one company's mining permit. Matutina does not stop. "We have to stand with the people...."

Thank you Sr. Stella Matutina and the people of the Philippines for your courage and strength.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Let us birth our hopes and dreams..

“It is at night
 that it is important
 to believe in the light;
one must force the dawn to be born
 by believing in it.”
                                                                         the French poet Rostand 

The power of light...
May the gentle light of Love
shine forth
in the dark places
of our lives!!