One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Blossom into Peace...

In a recent Green Mountain Monastery news letter Sr. Gail and Sr. Bernadette were sharing about a workshop experience entitled "Living Ahimsa-The Power of Peace". "A-Him-Sa is a Sanskrit word which means, "absence of the desire to hurt". Their Vedic teacher, Mother Maya is going around the world urging the human community to take this vow in a collective effort to heal and transform systems of power from the inside out.

Sr. Gayle also said, "In a time when we are experiencing the "disappearance of the subject" at so many levels,  taking the vow of Ahimsa is an immediate and deeply personal way to link us to an emerging consciousness that recognizes Earth and all beings as a "Communion of Subjects" not a collection of objects.

We have taken the vow of Ahimsa ourselves and have invited others to do the same using the following words:

I take the vow of Ahimsa. I make inner harmony my first priority I take the vow of Ahimsa in my thoughts, speech and actions.

Sr. Gayle and Bernadette invite each one of us to join them in taking this vow. If you choose to do so you can let them know by sending an e-mail to

I have chosen to take this vow and pray that "together" we can become a "Communion of Subjects"

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