One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Deeply Rooted...
Without the strength of each stem...
Without the soil bed holding each stem..
There would be no bud
There would be no Blooming..
So it is,
with all Beings..
Let us give thanks
to all who hold us up...
and all who keep us deeply rooted...
Thank you Luv...
for giving us to each other...
and for
deeply rooting us
in You!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Extremes or...What do you Choose?
This beautiful Lily flower family
helps me to see
the balance..
relying on myself
relying on others.
Living with a physical challenge,
I have struggled
avoiding dependence
building independence..
seeing the two as
 either, or..
This same struggle
seeps into my
relationship with"Luv."
My name for God..
I want to prove.. that
I can stand on my own too feet
and not depend on anyone...
I am independent!
How does "Luv" fit
in such a relationship?
As I have danced the two extremes
I have come to realize
I want neither..
I now choose..
which speaks to me
All Beings together
relying on one another..
in the natural world
and the human..
for the good
of the whole.
Alone and Together
we journey
to the fullness of
Who we are...
and "Luv"?
I am seeing and understanding "Luv"
as a Partner...
Together, each of us
is responsible
for our relationship
and for the journey
to Fullness of Life
that we walk Together...
I/We are never alone...
Thank you dear Lily Family,
for helping me
to move away from
the dance of extremes
to Interdependence...
And Thank you "Luv"
for our Partnership...
and for being with me always!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

See the Goodness...
With all the pain in our world
it is all to easy to think
that their is very little GOODNESS...
Lift your spirits
choose to See
the Goodness
all around you!!
 Beautiful flowers,Double rainbows
Thoughtful Family
and Friends...
Fresh Garden veggies!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Patience........ brings forth beauty...
Our culture and world demand
Instant results....
Nature tells us a different story...

"Honor the unfolding process....
in yourselves...
and all of life"....

Rose opens...
Revealing her intricate Beauty
little by little..
She is in no hurry....
and delights
herself and others
with her gentle dance
into fullness!!
Thank you Rose...
for your wisdom...
Help us to take delight
in each step
of our journey..
and not rush
the process!!
May we honor that same unfolding
in the lives
of all our family members!