One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Play brings new insights...
I need your playfulness tonight dear Dolphin...I so want your needs and the needs of all beings to be recognized  and addressed and yet we humans continue to focus on other things.. and don't seem to grasp the urgency of your need.

When I get to serious I know I need to lighten up and your very presence in this image allows me to do that... Thank you.  Taking the time to laugh at myself and to play gives me a chance to relax, let go and open myself to new ways of looking at "the same old... same old"! 

I also need to remind myself that many in our world family are conscious of your needs!  With a new perspective and the awareness of a broad base of support I/We can again take one step at a time until all of our human family moves together to bring about healing and health for you and all our relations in the natural world.

Thank you again, Dolphin family for reminding me/us of the need for playfulness especially in serious times!!

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