One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Fragile yet more than we know..

On the days that I am feeling fragile and small I am renewed when I ponder Butterfly! So small yet so strong and enduring! In light of so many pain-filled realities in our world it helps to be reminded that what may appear small and incomplete in our efforts can be more beneficial than we realize!

Friday, May 28, 2010


After looking at several creatures who are on the Endangered List and hearing more and more of the devastating consequences of the oil spill I needed to soothe my spirit with Mother Natures beauty! This was taken from a backyard overlooking Narragansett Bay! Thank you Mother for sharing your Beauty in the midst of so much pain.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Paradise becoming Lost!

Did you know that a Hummingbird flaps his/her wings 15-80 times every second? Hummingbird is also the only species of bird that is able to fly backwards!! Sadly this fascinating creature is listed on the Endangered list. If you want to better understand the pain of Mother Earth for her children, take a look at the Endangered List on the A-Z Animal web site where I found this picture. The list is shocking in length and the breath of beings affected is heart wrenching. All I could think was.. we were given the gift of diversity and Life.. truly a Paradise and..we are moving toward Paradise Lost! Our loving God gave us a great gift, and some might say.. God would not let that happen..Our God gave us the gift of free will and will not take that from us. When will we take responsibility for our actions, and their impact on all life in the Paradise that we have been given?

Eat..Renew..Live...or Die!

Thanks again to the A-Z Animal web site, here is Shrimp, a well known member of our family. There are 2,000 varities of Shrimp world wide! Once again the diversity within all Beings is amazing. Shrimp give their lives constantly so that we can eat and enjoy their goodness and flavor! It is unbelievable how many Shrimp are taken from the sea each day. It's like the human family just can't seem to get enough! Shrimp might say, do you wish to eat me into oblivion? Without time and space to renew and bring new life into the family, how can we expect that Shrimp just keep on giving and giving! In human terms we call it burn out.. For Shrimp it can mean extinction!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pest or valued creature?

I went back to the A-Z animal site and found Squirrel! I was saddened to see that Squirrel's life is also in danger! After doing a little more research I also found that Red Squirrels make their home in the United Kingdom not here. Although the following story was not about Red Squirrel..the story can be applied. Squirrels can be feisty and funny; funny as they creatively try to steal food from a bird feeder and both funny and feisty when they venture out on to the baseball field in the middle of a game! I actually saw this today in a news clip on the web. The game had to be delayed and some folks were not happy. I did not see the entire clip but the unexpected delay seemed to be the critical issue!! I love baseball, a important to us that we can't tolerate the presence of a lively and beautiful creature even for a little while? I think Squirrel might wonder just how much value his/her little life has in our eyes?

My fur..or Me??

I have fallen in love with Sea Otters! Look at the face of this adorable baby, whose picture I found at "A-Z Animals" on the internet. Sea Otters are one of the few animals in the world that have the remarkable trait of using tools, such as rocks, in order to get at their prey. Humans are one of the Sea Otters main predators as Sea Otters are hunted mainly for their incredibly dense fur. It is their fur that keeps them warm as they have no other protective layer. Sea Otters are currently on the endangered list, which means that they could be on the verge of extinction. Just how much fur do we humans need?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Small...and determined!!

The longest journey begins with a single step! Thank you Turtle for showing us your courage, strength, perseverance and determination!

Mother's love...

I was searching for new pictures of baby animals and couldn't resist this one that I found at Baby All babies like to rest comfortably in the arms of their mother!

Treasure for all..

Several years ago, after pushing my physical body beyond its limits I was writing in my journal and crying out to God to help me affirm who I was and the gifts I had to share. This is what I heard in my heart. I share it because I think it applies to all of us. “Your beliefs, feelings, ideals and ideas have been bought and paid for, made authentic and real, in the very fact that they all come out of your own life journey's pain, sorrow and joy. Hold on to and don’t be afraid to own all that is a part of you. Why should your treasure, which is treasure, be kept from the world where it can help others! Your treasures are meant not for you alone but for all!”

Meeting needs..

Yesterday I decided to clear my house of things I am no longer using regularly. One of my neighbors was in the process of moving and was delighted to claim what I no longer had need for! Hooray! It was truly a win-win situation! I love seeing more space and knowing that what I have is enough! Today my activities have caught up with me and I will enjoy the day, rest and recoup my energy! This beautiful scene of the "Grand Tetons" invites me to draw in the strength of Mountain and the height of Tree challenges me to see the bigger picture and not get bogged down in details!! As a whole the view brings me peace. Thank you again Mother Earth for teaching me and healing me. Forgive us for not seeing the urgency of your needs, even as you attend to ours!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A new perspective...

I love this canopy of pines, which I walked under, when I had the privilege of being in South Dakota and Mount Rushmore several years ago. It was here in the Black Hills, sacred land to Native American Indian Tribes for many years, that I also could say thank you for their Wisdom, Love and Respect. Their love of and intimate relationship with Mother Earth, was giving me a whole new perspective on how I viewed land and all creatures. I began to see with new eyes the beauty, wisdom, and intelligence that surrounded me.

Beauty forever...?

The beauty of Narragansett Bay! Of course it will always be here, won't it? When one oil spill of great magnitude calls into question the future of sea life and wet lands...we of the human family have got to wake up and take responsibility for our impact! If our desire for more..strips Mother Earth of her health and beauty we will have lost far more then we gained. If we cherish the gift and beauty of Mother Earth let's take strong steps that will enhance her growth and well being!