One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Aren't we related?

Yes! and I want you to know I love your deep penetrating eyes, your thoughtful face, and
your wonderful sense of humor and mischief!

Friday, November 5, 2010

The oil spill impact continues..

This photo, along with others, was just made public by the Associated Press and the Lophelia 11 2010 Research Group.
Cain Burdeau of the Associated Press writes:
"For the first time, federal scientists have found damage to deep sea coral and other marine life on the ocean floor several miles from the blown-out BP well  --a strong indication that damage from the spill could be significantly greater than officials had previously acknowledged."

He continues: "Coral is essential to the Gulf because it provides a habitat for fish and other organisms such as snails and crabs, making any large-scale death of coral a problem for many species. It might need years, or even decades, to grow back."

BP just recently stated that they are ready to begin drilling again!!
How much of our Earth Family do we have to lose before we say enough!!

Forgive us Ocean Family, we humans truly do not know what we are doing!!

I dare you not to smile...
How can you not smile at this precious Koala!  A-Z tells us that a baby Koala spends the first 6 months of life hidden in the pouch on the front of the mother.

During this time the Koala eats only the milk produced by the mother and grows its fur, ears and eyes.  When they are older Koalas love to climb trees and eat eucalyptus leaves.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fragile Beauty...
There's just something about this picture that makes me catch my breath in awe!  The delicate swirl of the sands, dark shadows and and golden light with the rawness of  mountains against a vivid blue sky!!

One breath of wind and the scene is all new.  Part of me says.. no, no, let things be..and moves on..will you also move or stay back?

The swiftness of change is not easy for me..and I do want to move forward and not stay back..This image speaks to both strands in my heart..the ever changing grains of sand..along with the solid presence and slower changing Mountains.

Give me the courage dear family to move and to stand as I embrace life moment to moment. Thank you for your beauty and your strength in the short term and the long!  Your presence speaks clearly of our ability to change rapidly and to stand firm and move more slowly as needed!

Whew!! Once again I am in awe of your wisdom!! Thank you.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Play brings new insights...
I need your playfulness tonight dear Dolphin...I so want your needs and the needs of all beings to be recognized  and addressed and yet we humans continue to focus on other things.. and don't seem to grasp the urgency of your need.

When I get to serious I know I need to lighten up and your very presence in this image allows me to do that... Thank you.  Taking the time to laugh at myself and to play gives me a chance to relax, let go and open myself to new ways of looking at "the same old... same old"! 

I also need to remind myself that many in our world family are conscious of your needs!  With a new perspective and the awareness of a broad base of support I/We can again take one step at a time until all of our human family moves together to bring about healing and health for you and all our relations in the natural world.

Thank you again, Dolphin family for reminding me/us of the need for playfulness especially in serious times!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

For our children...


Realizing that our planet is in peril and has urgent needs to be met so that all children will have a viable future,
let us commit ourselves to bringing forth,
an environmentally sustainable,
spiritually fulfilling,
socially just,
human presence on the planet.

Moment by Moment..

The process of change occurs usually in small steps. Each small step consistently taken on behalf of Mother Earth.. makes a difference.  Her pain is real and her condition is critical. We want a healthy Planet for our children and their children.

We also want a world where we consistently strive toward peace and justice for all. Make your voice heard through your vote today.  We the People must speak and act if the peace we want is to come about for all our sisters and brothers ..If the debt reduction we want is to come about....If the positive changes we want are to come about.

Let's strive toward cooperation rather than competition..and an appreciation of diversity rather than fear of difference. All Beings.. want a safe home, clean and safe water, rich and fertile soil.  This is the moment of decision and transformation.. pray and vote! 

The changes will not be instantaneous...hopefully they will be thought out..with future generations in mind and to the good of all affected by them.  Our "instant" culture is not helpful when making key long term decisions.
Let's give Peace and Positive change a chance!!  If not us.. than who?