One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Urgent prayer...

Please pray
for our Sisters and Brothers
in Argentina,
who are experiencing
severe flooding...
Thank you.

Something to Celebrate..

What caught my eye was this blossom's uniqueness...
and the large family of which she/he is a part!
Whats even more amazing,
and something we often take for granted
that each blossom shares
the family traits
in their own unique way..
All are the same..
Nature is reflecting back to us
our own unique story..
Give thanks today
 for being a part
of an ongoing
and ever expanding family...
while also
your own 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

I never thanked YOU!
Dear Flower, I love you..
Your color and texture
reflect the large family within you.
You bring joy to my heart.
I thank you for reminding me
that you also give your lives
as we humans gather you up
to bring your beauty
into our homes.
Sad to say,
I don't remember saying thank you
to you
for your gift...
I have given thanks
when I have received flowers,
but I don't ever remember
saying thank you
to you directly.
Forgive me...
I will now
remember to thank You
for the gift of you
each time you
or a family member
come into my life.