One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, November 19, 2010

Another perspective..

I recently received this information in the mail from The Sioux Nation Relief Fund and wanted to share it:
"The Reality of Thanksgiving:  History tells us that in 1620 a group of Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth, MA. An unfamiliarity with the region, bitter cold weather conditions, inadequate clothing and little readily available food proved fatal to more than half the one hundred or so colonists.

Witnessing the death of so many men and women, the Wampanoag Indian tribe began supplying the remaining Pilgrims with corn seed and teaching them how to hunt wild game.  In the fall, the Pilgrims harvested a bountiful food crop.  In an act of appreciation to the American Indians, Governor Bradford declared a celebration of thanks, which we now know as the first Thanksgiving.

The genuine act of kindness demonstrated by the American Indians at that time, helped the colonists to survive in the new world.  But with terrible consequences to the American Indians.  As the number of colonists grew, the struggle of the American Indians began.

For hundreds of years, forces greater than the American Indians have been working against them.  The vast lands which were once "home" to American Indians have been reduced to scattered reservations, which many groups say are worse than inner-city ghettos, and comparable to third world poverty.

Many American Indians have been reduced to depending on others...just like the original colonists were 390 years ago.  This tragedy is a sad testimony for American Indians in our grand land of plenty and opportunity."

This is a perspective of Thanksgiving, I did not hear as I grew up. The focus was always on the Pilgrims.
We have not treated our sisters and brothers of the American Indians as we ourselves would like to be treated.  Even more, how much of the American Indian Story.. do we really know?  The famous saying.. "Get to know my story" before you judge me..has strong validity here.

For my part, I would like to say to my sisters and brothers of the American Indians, I am so sorry for all that you have suffered and continue to suffer. Your story and Your truth has not fully been told.  I will do what I can to share your story and your truth...getting my information from you and from your stories. 

Thank you for another perspective on the Reality of Thanksgiving!

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