One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Urgent request...

As our sisters and brothers
gather in Washington
Sunday...from 2pm-4pm, 
to urge attention
and action
with regard to Climate Change
 and the Keystone Pipe Line..
You are invited to send
prayer, love, support, strength
and healing to
 all participants in the March
and to Our President and
so that
the decisions that they make
and all the actions they take,
with regard to these key issues,
may have a
most benevolent outcome,
for Mother Earth
All Beings...
Every bit of positive love energy
that you  send
Can and Will
Make a Difference.
Please let the light of your love
Thank you. 

From fear to Vibrant Beauty...

photo:The PurplePassage
Free yourself

Friday, February 15, 2013

Our Russian Family needs us..

May peace, love, strength
and healing..
enfold all of our sisters and brothers
in Russia
especially, those injured by the Meteor explosion
earlier today, and their families.
May all creatures have that same
peace, love, strength
and healing as well.
We Care,
We are with you..
We hold you all in our hearts!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Remembering our roots..

Photo: Assunta M. Riley
Who are we....without Mother Earth?
Just as she holds the many roots of tree
safely and solidly in place...
She holds us!
We walk on her...
We are fed by her...
We are sheltered in her..
We are healed by her...
Our love for her
heals her....
Why do we allow her
to be treated as an object?
Why do we allow her
to be destroyed
in the name of energy and profit..
there are ways to meet
our needs and hers,
while honoring and respecting
her very Being!
If we say we love Mother Earth...
let us speak up..
and say NO to meeting
our needs
at the cost of her life..!