One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Frosted glaze or snow?

I smiled when I saw this all I could think of was the delicious sweet white glaze on a cinnamon bun!!  Thank you Earth Family for your sweet humor which warms our hearts!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Mirror Image....

I thought this mirror reflection was beautiful!  What do I see when I see my own reflection in the mirror?
Does the internal critic immediately chatter?  What if I looked with gratitude rather than judgement?

Let's see ourselves for the gifts we are and do the best we can each day.  Smile at yourself in the mirror and say "I love you"!

For their own sake...


I just love the way wolf seems to blend in with the landscape! What a gentle quiet scene!  Nothing seems disturbed or out of place. Maybe its taking more time just to be...that allows one to feel that gentle quiet!

May we all come to value our sisters and brothers in the natural world for themselves and the sacred gifts they are..and take their example of "just being quiet'"for awhile.  And before we say we haven't got time..
think about what we make time for...If we truly value it, we will make time for it.

Thank you wolf and family for the gifts you are and the lessons you teach us.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I love you...

What a unique way
Mother Earth has
of saying
I love you...

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's just a flower....!

As I read about long waits for gasoline, empty food shelves, and the difficulty in getting milk for infants and young children in Japan my eyes are being opened to just how much I take for granted in my life! I thought I  was aware, yet the struggle of the people in Japan is truly waking me up!!

Right now, I have a roof over my head, warmth, safe water, food, milk and easy access to gasoline for the car.  I can choose to walk or ride..What makes me think this will always be so?

There was a story in the news today of a young woman who is biking to work when her car is low on gas. By car, she gets to work in 15 minutes; when she bikes it takes an hour!!

How often do we look at the gifts around us as if they will always be there...we're so sure of it that we fail to notice their presence!   It's just a flower...its just a glass of water...its just a house...its just a lamp...

Some of our most basic needs are met so often and so consistently that we might figure there's more to life than just a home, food, electricity, water, milk, gasoline and the beauty of a simple yellow flower!!

Thank you sisters and brothers, human and non human, in Japan for showing me how much I take for granted  and assume I'll have forever!!