One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Open our eyes..Move our hearts...

I came home today after an incredible retreat experience in Biddeford Pool Maine. It was a time of deepening our connections to one another and to the web of life of which we are a part. The presenter was Gail Worcelo from Green Mountain Monastery in Vermont. For all of us to know more deeply that we are part of the Universe and its intricate Web of Life and not separate from it was a real Moment of Blessing. The Theme of the retreat was Moments of Blessing.. expanding our sense of the sacred.
One night, early in the week, as we were beginning a memorial to Thomas Berry, who died last year, after giving much of his life to helping the human family understand that we are part of the Universe and not separate from or superior to it, when intense winds began to blow and heavy rain began to fall.
When all the lights went out..we were lucky enough to be in a place that had a generator and thus the Retreat Center had light in key areas. The winds, rain and bolts of lightening made me very uneasy and I was praying for all of those affected by the storm. The rest of the week was storm free and beautiful.
On the return trip home to Rhode Island today, we encountered torrential rains mid way down route 495 and on most of route 24. I prayed as I drove and was grateful to have a friend with me who alerted me to the exits we needed as I focused on staying in the lane and going forward. When we got close to Fall River the rains lessened and were over by the time I got to our exit on 195east. I was never so happy to see the road and lane markings clearly and without distraction.
When I got home and was checking my email I found this candle giving forth its light.. I knew I wanted to use it on this blog as a reminder and to encourage each of us to pray for Mother Earth and for all of our family. We in the human family must begin to see and make the connections between the extremes in the weather patterns and the extreme amount of toxins that we pour daily into our soil, air and water. Nature is not our enemy... Nature is simply trying to purge herself of our toxic chemicals and their deadly effects.
In the web of life.. the actions of all creatures affect the life of all creatures, therefore, even the smallest positive steps toward healing and cleansing Mother Earth make a difference. Together,
let us pray, speak, and act on behalf of Mother Earth in her time of great need.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Blood vesssels of Mother Earth..

"The oceans, rivers, brooks, lakes and streams
are the blood vessels of the Earth Mother
To poison these vessels,
Givers of Life
is to insure the wrath of Mother Nature"
"In these times, the Earth Mother will show her human children her natural ability to correct their crooked ways. Warning after warning will be issued through flood, disease, and loss of life.
Until humankind listens and stops poisoning the Mother's blood system, human sorrows will grow" "Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams"

New Dawn...

As we embrace the beauty of each new dawn,
may we also embrace the gift
of each new dawn
in our lives!
Thank you Ian Britton and