One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Aging and newness...

photo by Assunta M Riley
Aging has a remarkable gift...if we choose to act on it.  Too often "getting older" is seen as "down hill" or the end!  I can get caught in that trap as well.. however, I've come to see that aging is an opportunity for newness.
When we look at what we consider the unfinished in our lives.. rather than say.. too late.. why not say...lets give it a try..!!
Each day like tree we can appreciate the unfolding of our lives and all that we have been given.  We can also take note of opportunities for growth and completion of what we might have named as no longer possible!
May we gift ourselves by taking the time to see the beauty of the path we have walked  while at the same time seeing and taking the opportunity to Be and Do what we truly want to do!

 Never say never...Be the YOU you truly want to be....Do at least one of the things you thought it was too late to do...Affirm and give thanks for the person you are now....and choose to keep growing ...!