One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Life..
What new life is birthing within you??
Give yourself some nesting time
in order to recognize and celebrate
the birth pains!
Celebrate your newness
Give Thanks
for the gift of New Life!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Surprise... And what a surprise it was to be digging out from a BIG snow storm just before Halloween!!  I was helping a friend pack up boxes as she was getting ready to move, and we lost power for three days!! What a joy it was to flick a switch and have light appear on that third day!  I am now even more grateful for both light and heat.

Lets remember those who are still without power and those experiencing storms and earthquakes and the ramifications of each. 

It's amazing that today I was out without a jacket enjoying bright sun and a soft breeze!!  Everything seems to be in transition!!  May we be gentle with ourselves and all we meet in this transition time!

I'll be back more regularly with the blog in a few days. I am learning to honor my needs and set better boundaries toward that purpose.

Love and peace to you and know that you are beautiful as you are, not as you think you "should be"!!
May Winter's sudden appearance help us to be open to all the "surprises" of our days!!