One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, November 19, 2010

Give thanks..

Just as I give thanks for the beauty of the setting sun, I also give thanks for the "good news" that I found in the news, tonight on the web.  Small steps making a difference in our lives.

"Random Acts of Culture" was a joy to watch and hear, thank you so much to all who brought such a joyous occassion about.  I give thanks for the "Patriot Millionaires" who have signed a petition on their web site, asking congress not to renew the tax cuts for those in their financial bracket, when the tax cuts expire. They see doing this as one way to trim down our country's huge debt.  I give thanks for Oprah who so generously shares her wealth with so many folks near and far. Her show today brought much joy to all of the participants in the audience who received Oprah's favorite gifts in this final season of her show.

We may not all agree on these, but for me, they bring out the best of who we are rather then the worst, which is more often displayed.

We too, can find "Good News" in our daily lives if we are willing to see it; A good nights rest, a delicious meal, a warm hug from a friend an unexpected gift.  We do have much to be thankful for. 

From which perspective will I choose to see?

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