One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Song of Thanks..

 Photo by:  Harvey Doerksen/US Fish and Wildlife Service

After gathering material for almost three years, today I gave my first workshop on "Coming Home to Mother Earth". We were a small group which blessed us with a deeper intimacy then we would have had with a larger group.  Folks were very open to all that we did and it was gratifying and deeply touching to hear their stories as they expanded their sense of family and received the love and wisdom of our sisters and brothers in the natural world.

For myself, I am glad that I finally took the risk of doing a workshop and look forward to sharing the experience with others.  Workshop isn't really the word I want to use to describe the experience, but it will do for now until a more explicit word is found.

Thank you Cardinal for choosing me today, and helping me see your many gifts. I loved getting to know you better!

ps: I was reminded by a friend's post on fb that this days experience was considered a "day of reflection" and that resonates with me much more than workshop.. So now I will speak in terms of offering a "Day of Reflection on Coming Home to Mother Earth!"

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