One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, December 31, 2010

Sing your heart song...

As we begin 2011, may our lives ring with the song of love, for ourselves, and for all those of our Earth Family.  May the beauty and fruitfulness of Mother Earth energize and delight us and may we in turn.. give thanks by honoring the needs and space of all Beings.

May diversity and difference be seen as rainbows of light offering us new perspectives and ways of seeing what we thought we knew and understood fully!

May we take the time to be with ourselves and those we love..May we rekindle our energies sitting, walking, dancing gently on Mother Earth.  May the birds join in our singing, may the stars light up our eyes and may all  creatures come to know that we know and love them as family.

May we let the past be past and feel the freedom and joy of a New Day...A New Beginning....May we be the change we wish to see in our world...

May Love who dwells within us...hold us, guide us, sustain us, as we freely share who we are with all...within the web of Life.  Live....Love....Laugh!!!  We are the ones we've been waiting for....!

We are the only ones who can Sing Our Heart Song!  Every song is needed...every song of love can heal and bring new life.... Let us be flowing channels of love...healing each other and Mother Earth.

Singing our heart Song..will bring new life...a life of and forgiveness....wrapped in the Beauty and Splendor of a healthy and renewed Earth Mother.


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