One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, April 15, 2011

Weave your life to fullness!!!

I love the weaving aspects of this flower and offer this quote that came in a Guidepost prayer reflection today.
Lord, give me a spirit that unabashedly
 celebrates You
and the joy of living!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Heart nourishment....

Got this picture in an email and couldn't resist!

All legs...and more...
As this precious baby giraffe ponders his/her next move I am reminded of how all of us face the challenge of  new possibilities in our lives!  There is uncertainty and yet excitement!  What will happen when I learn to stand up?   My perspective will change and change again as I grow taller and more mature!

Remember what it was like when you tried something for the first time?  We do seem "all legs",  as we  figure out just what the next move is and then... risk taking it!! 

I was initially referring to giraffe and yet, for all Life forms, growth is a challenge to newness. Giraffes, humans, blades of grass, carrots, we all have to be willing to take the risk of growing, changing and being willing to see things differently as we do so.

The next time you feel "all legs" with something new in your life, just remember giraffe and know that you are  not alone in this journey. Know that your next step like his can bring a whole new awareness...when you are  willing to make the move!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A new understanding...
"We turn not older
 with years,
but newer every day!
                                          Emily Dickinsin

Monday, April 11, 2011

Do we see ourselves?
My heart goes out to our sisters and brothers in Japan..human and non human!  What a challenge they are all facing in so many areas.  The nuclear threat is deep and expansive...Their lives are no longer the same as they are in a whole new life experience.

All reports from Japan speak of a people that are reaching out to one another and providing for one another.
I read of folks who now have access to water in their homes, putting signs up to let their neighbors know that they can come and get the water they need. 

I ask myself...would I be as generous? As open? I would hope that I would be...

Our sisters and brothers are vulnerable alone...yet strong together!  Thank you dear family for showing us the best of yourselves in a very difficult situation.  May we take to heart the lessons you are teaching us.

At a time such as this...all I can pray is. Love, I don't understand...BUT I trust your Love...You have the bigger picture that I can not see at this time. May my love and care wrap our sisters and brothers in the strength of that love and give them peace and hope.

Feel my strength...
As I look at the strength and power of this rock formation...I can almost feel strength pouring forth!  The closed in area also is a reminder for me, that in order to renew my strength I must find and take time away from noise and activity...even if only for a few minutes.

Taking time apart and slowing down...are renewing and life enhancing.  Let's give ourselves that gift and not get caught up in the culture of do do do!