One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Moment by Moment..

The process of change occurs usually in small steps. Each small step consistently taken on behalf of Mother Earth.. makes a difference.  Her pain is real and her condition is critical. We want a healthy Planet for our children and their children.

We also want a world where we consistently strive toward peace and justice for all. Make your voice heard through your vote today.  We the People must speak and act if the peace we want is to come about for all our sisters and brothers ..If the debt reduction we want is to come about....If the positive changes we want are to come about.

Let's strive toward cooperation rather than competition..and an appreciation of diversity rather than fear of difference. All Beings.. want a safe home, clean and safe water, rich and fertile soil.  This is the moment of decision and transformation.. pray and vote! 

The changes will not be instantaneous...hopefully they will be thought out..with future generations in mind and to the good of all affected by them.  Our "instant" culture is not helpful when making key long term decisions.
Let's give Peace and Positive change a chance!!  If not us.. than who?

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