One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Teach us how to PLAY!!

Dolphins are both wise and playful. I've just been playing as I search for more pictures of our extended family members. The minute I saw this picture of Dolphin.. I knew I had to post it! We humans have not done well in honoring Dolphin's place in the web of life. Too often the the needs of the human hold sway over the needs of all other beings, as we dismiss their value and the gifts they have to offer us. In our very very busy and stress filled lives, Dolphin offers us a gift that we have forgotten how to open and enjoy.. PLAY! We know the value of play..but.."I don't have time" is our habitual response. With Dolphin's fun filled leaps to guide us.. let's take the time to play with and enjoy our family. Kids are not the only ones who need recess!!!

Let's Remember Earth and Act!

I love trees! Their enduring, standing PRESENCE! Their willingness to go with the flow of what is. Their beauty in all seasons and especially for me, when they dance with the wind. As we celebrate Earth Day may it truly be a celebration, in that, we take some time to be with Earth. To connect or reconnect alone or together with loved ones, with her beauty, diversity, and deep wisdom. Come out and play..and know that when you do, you will be blessed with laughter, refreshment and peace. When I think of the enduring presence of "The Standing People" as some Indians refer to Trees, I am reminded of the constant giving of Mother Earth to the life, growth and wellness of all Beings. How many beings give their lives on a daily basis to nurture the growth of the Community of life! As we appreciate and celebrate this Earth Day, may our thanksgiving be reflected in concrete steps toward living in harmony with Mother Earth. One positive action by each of us, is better than "no action" because we really don't think it will make a difference! Just as a simple smile can make our day, one simple act supporting Mother Earth, can make Hers.

Friday, April 16, 2010

"Best Buddies"..!!

I love the up close and personal look on the faces of these two lambs! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I wanted to do something a little less serious today as I've been very serious in the last couple of posts. And yes.. I chose to get to know Skunk! Why? Skunks have always been one of my least favorite animals..especially with regard to their scent!!! Realizing I was labeling and dismissing any positive views of Skunk.. I decided to learn more about him/her. What a nice surprise I got. First I found that Skunks are native to the Americas! I never knew that. I also found that,for some folks, Skunks make wonderful pets. There are, however, some states where it is against the law to have a Skunk as a pet. They are very loving, stubborn and determined. When it comes to food, they are very good at opening cabinet doors, especially, to the places where food is stored. They love to be held and can never seem to get enough affection. When they are treated roughly as young, they can become rough as they grow. At the same time, when they are handled with gentleness and care they respond in like manner. Skunks need time to get to know you and others in the family. They can become very attached to the point of not wanting anyone near except the primary care person, UNTIL, they get to know you. I found also, that they spray only when hurt or attacked. Skunk's traits and needs are very similar to the human members of our family. Why should that surprise me? This is not all there is to know about Skunk, but, what my little search taught me is this.. Don't judge me...dismiss me..label me..Get to know me!! How many in our Community of Life need just that. Don't judge me..Get to know me!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Labels that blind..?

I look at this sleek necked creature and wonder... What can a Giraffe possibly teach us? Rather than pursue the question, we might just label him/her, dismiss them and move on. This lesson came home to me when I went to El Salvador. The war was still going on. I came to understand that the words "Communist" and "Atheist" were often used to describe those who worked for Peace and Justice. The label, in to many cases, clouded and dismissed any actions on behalf of Peace and Justice. Dom Helda Camera knew this from first hand experience. He said, "When I feed the poor, they call me a Saint.. When I ask WHY they are poor..they call me a Communist! At an evening presentation, a young man, who named himself, an Atheist, shared the work he was doing on behalf of his people. His work encompassed securing basic needs like water, food, and medicine, at the risk of his life. He and his people wanted more out of life than poverty and suffering, and were willing to risk asking.. Why? Listening to that young man describe his work and risk,moved me deeply. He might have labeled himself "Atheist", but his actions spoke much louder than the label. When he finished speaking, I said to him: you may name yourself an Atheist, but your actions on behalf of your people, at the risk of your life, speak to me of deep love, a love that many of us who name our selves Christian have yet to achieve. Thank you! His Actions helped me to move beyond the see the fuller picture of who he was...! And Giraffe? One of Her/his unique gifts is the ability to see the "bigger picture"! Help your family to develop that gift, dear Giraffe, so that we can see each other more fully without labels.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Walk...Don't run..!

"Walk in the pain of your own footsteps..for a while"!! were the words I heard within, at a very difficult and painful time in my life! I had once again pushed my body to the limit and was flat on my back. This had become a pattern in my life. Denial was less hurtful than acknowledgement. So.. Sad to say, I chose to ignore these words. No way was I going to walk in pain.. I ran! Years went by before I began to realize the Wisdom of these words and the gift they offered me. Yes.. I said gift.. I had come to understand that denying, pushing down and ignoring pain was not the way of healing or release. If I truly wanted healing and release I had to "walk in the pain of my footsteps..! Walk .. not run..acknowledge not deny.. feel..not ignore..let the tears flow. Only then could I know true freedom and true joy. Like the Caterpillar in its cocoon..I had to walk into the darkness and take the time to see and feel what I had chosen to ignore for so long. My fear was that the process would be endless. I found, however, that taking the time to reflect on a regular basis brought to mind the issues that needed to be addressed. Writing my thoughts and feelings in a journal gave me focus, clarity and understanding. Walking in the pain of my footsteps for a while..truly was/and is a time of transformation. I understand myself better, am more honest with myself about myself, and honor my needs publicly and privately. I could finally leave the "Victim mentality" behind and move step by step in the direction of becoming the fullness of who I Am. I give thanks for the gift of cocoon stages in my life, because I now know that, like the Caterpillar, the times of seeming darkness, can truly lead to freedom and new life.

Come and eat..!

I went looking, on the web, for a picture of a bird that would help me share another very special experience with friends in Rochester New York. The close up of this little bird caught my eye and touched my heart. To be honest I can't name the type of bird that I met but it was the experience that has remained with me. We had gone to Rochester to visit and it was suggested that we take a walk on a trail, in the woods, not to far from their home. Fine with me. Our friends also shared with us, that there was the possibility of a bird coming to feed out of our hands, as it had happened to them. Oh how I wanted that to happen to me! At the entrance to the trail was a container of bird seed. We each scooped some up, holding it in the palms of our hands. We slowly moved along the trail, with our hands gently raised and palms flat hoping for a visitor. After a while, I just stopped, and stood very still, with my hands raised, palms up, and my eyes scanning the surroundings for any sight of a bird. To my joy, delight and awe, a small bird came toward me. Staying as still as I could, so as not to frighten her/him, I remember thinking.. Will you trust me enough to come and eat? She/He did just that! Landing gently on my outstretched finger tips this little creature stayed just long enough to take some food and fly away. I wanted that moment to last forever and I wanted it to happen again.. and again. It didn't and that was ok. I just savored what did happen and have never forgotten it to this day. Thank you, for trusting me, little one. May I live and act in ways that continue to honor your trust.