One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Warmth and nourishment..

Thank you dear sheep for giving us the warmth of your wool and the nourishment of your body.  I want to keep your gifts in mind as we hear more about you in our Christmas Stories.  Often you and your gifts go unnoticed.

If I were willing would I be to give so much to those who may not even notice or appreciate my gift..??  Yet.. you remind me that we can become more aware of you and your gifts to us.. and in being aware also more grateful. 

Your family members gather in flocks in order to protect the more fragile from predators and to protect the flock as a whole because you are stronger as a group than when you are separate.

During this Christmas Season may we find small and large ways to offer warmth and nourishment to all of our sisters and brothers..and as we gather with friends and family to pray and celebrate may we be renewed in our love and support for one another.

Today and each day.. Let's find ways to reach out to the more fragile and vulnerable of our family members and give them that same warmth,  nourishment and  support of  "the flock".

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