One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fragile Beauty...
There's just something about this picture that makes me catch my breath in awe!  The delicate swirl of the sands, dark shadows and and golden light with the rawness of  mountains against a vivid blue sky!!

One breath of wind and the scene is all new.  Part of me says.. no, no, let things be..and moves on..will you also move or stay back?

The swiftness of change is not easy for me..and I do want to move forward and not stay back..This image speaks to both strands in my heart..the ever changing grains of sand..along with the solid presence and slower changing Mountains.

Give me the courage dear family to move and to stand as I embrace life moment to moment. Thank you for your beauty and your strength in the short term and the long!  Your presence speaks clearly of our ability to change rapidly and to stand firm and move more slowly as needed!

Whew!! Once again I am in awe of your wisdom!! Thank you.

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