One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Peace is my gift to you...!

Childhood memories..

As a young child I remember singing a song with the words "Blue Bird, Blue Bird on my shoulder.. " and I'm not sure if I ever saw Blue Bird. When I found this picture it was like taking a step back to that time. Thank you Blue Bird and I'm still singing that song!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I had to come back and post again because just as I finished writing the post below I checked my email and found an offer from Walk the Talk for a small book entitled "Wisdom of Wolves" by Twyman Towry. "Nature's Lessons in Leadership"!! Thank you Wolf and your pack for sharing your wisdom and thank you Twyman Towry for sharing what you learned with us. Finding your book was for me, a confirmation of the message I had just written in the post below.

Story tellers...!

The solid silent presence of stones!! How many years of life's unfolding they have been witness to. They hold our story in all its beauty and pain. I was introduced to the idea of stones as the holders of our history, when I read "Other Council Fires Were Here Before Ours" The book is a classic Native American creation story as retold by a Seneca Elder, Twylah Nitsch and her grand-daughter, Jamie Sams. "The history of the Earth from one of the Native viewpoints". The quote" Other Council Fires were here before ours" by Moses Shongo, a Seneca Medicine Man, (and Jamie's Grandfather)"is a reminder that we Two-leggeds, were preceded by our Ancestors, and they were preceded by the Creature-beings and Plant-People, who were preceded by the Stone Tribe". "The Stone Tribe, being the eldest of all who have lived on our Earth Mother, are the record keepers" This history of Creation and story of a peoples intimate relationship with all living beings touched me deeply. I had never given much thought to the value of stone or even considered the possibility of a "Stone Tribe". Weather you accept or reject the idea initially, take some time to be open to it and to the fruits it holds. Let this quote from the book gently sink into your heart.
"The non-human members of the Planetary Family are not usually seen by other races or creeds as being equal life-forms and, therefore our teachers; however, in our family Grandpa Shongo taught the wisdom of letting go of our spiritual arrogance in order to understand the language of all other life-forms.
What have we been missing in not knowing the language of other life-forms? Thank you Stone People for inviting us to know your story and the story of all other Life-forms whose stories we have not even imagined!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Nature's own Etch a Sketch and more!

When was the last time you wrote or drew something in sand at the beach and then waited to see how long it would take before a wave erased it? How quickly and easily sand captures the prints of all who walk on her! As quickly as the imprints are formed they are as easily erased. What fun to see the variety, shape, size and patterns within each print. What I was struck by in this picture, was how sun and sand worked together to cast a beautiful shadow reflection of plant's beauty. Making shadows on sand was another fun activity at the beach when I was a kid and even now as a big kid. When my sister and I were in Aruba a few years ago, one of my favorite pictures captured the the shadow of the two of us being reflected on sand just before sun went down as we walked on the beach. Another of sand's gifts that I am fascinated by are sands' many textures; from rough and course to smooth and soft. This should not surprise me when I realize that sand is created from rocks and stones over time. I just chuckled to myself as I thought.. ahhhhhh just like us all.. it takes time to leave behind our rough and course selves and grow into being smooth and soft! There are gifts in the aging process!! Thank you sand for giving us opportunities to develop our artistic talents, for the gift of shadows, for providing us with a visual mosaic in the prints of all who tread upon you. Thank you also to "the stone people" who give their lives into newness as they transform from hard solid rock to particles of sand. In order for sand to be rich and full, each and every particle contributes to bringing about that fullness! Whew.. when I began this reflection I was trying to keep it short and yet the story of sand just grew! Thank you sand, you have opened my eyes to more of your many gifts, and I am grateful.

The gift of family..

What an incredible gift when one begins to think of the many diverse ways "family" is found within our One Family. Plants, trees, birds, ants, humans, and so many more land and water creatures are creating family daily. The joys and pains of watching family grow up..from sprouting new leaves, to spreading wings..and driving a car. Mother Earth watchfully and carefully attends to all of her children. Thank you Mother Earth for your deep love and daily nourishment.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Thank you sun for your light..what an incredible force you are..! You energize our spirits and bring warmth and nourishment to all life forms...when clouds hide you from view, we yearn for your return. You share your gifts with all and at all times, without asking anything in return. Forgive us for our lack of recognition and gratitude, we are becoming more and more aware of your gracious giving and healing touch.

My own space...

This picture of Bird reminded me of the universal need to be hidden for a take some time just to be still and relax! A gift we don't always allow time for.