One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vibrant beauty...

Thank you dear butterfly for your vibrant beauty.. which is a reflection of the wonderful energy and life that was celebrated today as we Sisters of Mercy of the Northeast gathered to bless and celebrate our new leadership team. The wonderful energy of all those gathered was vibrant and full of joy. The shared ritual and music was animated with love, life and the Passion of our founder Catherine McAuley. Dear Butterfly, give us the strength and passion to willingly choose the transformations necessary to animate our world with the love and life with which we have all been blessed.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Yours and Mine= OURS!!

With more and more of our forests being cut down Deer is losing her/his home. Development of land usually means that the habitat for many creatures is lessened or destroyed. We share this one home together. Will we commit ourselves to live in such a way that home for all Creatures is honored and sustained? The fear of losing one's home is not only a concern of our human family.. but a concern of our entire family. As we help our sisters and brothers in the human family achieve a home of their own, may we also ensure that all creatures are at home as well. Home is not just "My home" or "Your home" but Our Home, all that desire a place to call home are valued and respected.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blue Whale......!

According to A-Z Animals Blue Whale is the largest recorded mammal on earth! Sadly, Blue Whale has been nearly hunted to extinction. Is this "need" or pure "greed"! On a lighter note.. A-Z also tells us that: "apparently just one breath from a fully grown adult Blue Whale will produce enough air to fill nearly 2,000 balloons!!" We have been given the gift of such extraordinary creatures..and yet we don't quite grasp the awesomeness of this gift..too often they are expendable to the "so called" needs of the human.. Why?

Dynamic Creatures...facing extinction!

To watch the Humpback Whale push up from the water is just plain wow! His/her size alone along with the height of their jump is totally fascinating! A just released report; "Toxins found in whales bode ill for humans" By Associated Press writer Arthur Max..puts Sperm Whales, on the road to extinction and the health of humans in jeopardy. These chemicals are a result of human activities which have impacted the life and nourishment of Whales. It was said that a pregnant Sperm Whale passes these chemicals to her calf. What we eat becomes a part of us is true of all beings. What will it take for us in the human family to "get it" that toxic chemicals have a major negative impact on all life? IF we want to continue seeing these magnificent creatures, healthy and well as ourselves, we must begin to do things differently as regards our over use of toxic chemicals.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Winding paths...

What is it like to travel the winding paths over the face of Mountain? Along with the breath taking views one must also be open to the challenges that steep and rugged terrains offer. Challenge is a two sided coin..exhilaration and fear!! The power and presence of Mountain, reveals to us the reality and depth of valleys! How very like our own lives.. the highs and lows as we walk the many twisting paths over the roadways of our lives. Mother Earth and all of our sister and brother creatures do understand what it means to Live Life.. struggles and pains.. joys and wondrous adventures! As a friend reminds me; when ever we step out our doors, we are never alone.. All of our family members in the wide web of life are with us..and we can call on their strength and support as we journey.


When one first sees Zebra.. how can you not miss the stripes!! Yet like so many unique creatures, does their uniqueness distract us from their fullness! Zebra is more than his/her stripes. I'd like to think that Zebra helps us to lighten up and not be so serious while at the same time, reminds us to look more closely.. "I'm more than my stripes"! How many of us have been the brunt of jokes for our own unique qualities? Zebra understands full well. I wonder if she/he gets tired of all the stripes jokes and would like us to get to know her/him more deeply? Thank you Zebra for helping me/us to see beyond your stripes and beyond the quirky characteristics of all beings to the rich depths waiting to be known in all of us.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My sister sent me this pictrue and I love it! I can almost catch
the scent of the rose!

Look close..

I love it when the camera captures more than I expect!!

That far....

When the roads in life seem long and hard..
remember the faithfulness and persistence
of Turtle!!


For the next generation and..


Thank you for the gift of life and peace!

Beautiful but...

I'm feeling frustrated!! I do understand that with the economy so tight jobs are key. The oil spill has endangered jobs and lives. How do we arrive at a solution that honors all beings! Removing the ban on drilling can open up some jobs.. what cost to Mother Earth? BP admitted that they never had a plan because they never thought what happened could/would happen. With all that the oil spill has endangered and killed it seems more important than ever to seriously consider the consequences of our actions? We as a human family still seem to be in a place where Mother Earth and all creatures are seen as beautiful and precious but expendable as needed. How do we help each other to see that a vibrant and healthy Mother Earth means health and vitality for all...!!! The steps we take to heal and protect our soil, water and air.. are steps toward long term benefit for generations to come! Does that mean that we will have to make changes in our long held life patterns? Yes.. but don't the benefits far out way the cost of change? As we work hard to "benefit our families" lets address one major benefit we tend to want to ignore.. In caring for Mother Earth.. in little ways and large we are increasing the health and vibrancy of our families for today and for generations. What greater gift can we give? Mother Earth is far more than Beautiful but....!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Donkey surprise...

I do not know Donkey very well. I was aware that donkeys are capable of carrying heavy burdens and that was about it. Doing that is a pretty awesome gift in and of itself!! How many peoples over so many years have relied on Donkeys strength!! I was surprised to learn that donkeys "are very good at taking care of themselves"!! If they sense danger they will refuse to proceed and if they are overburdened they again refuse to go forth!! We in the human family could surely benefit from those two gifts. Dear Donkey I am so glad to learn this about you. Your willingness to honor yourself is a sorely needed gift for the human members of our family. When I once again insist on pushing my limits for what ever reason I will remember you and imitate your refusal to go forward.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kitten Curiosity...

Those beautiful eyes.. what are you seeing little one? What ever it is has captured your full attention just as your wide awe filled eyes has captured mine.
You remind me of another little kitten named Tippy who was part of my life in Colebrook NH. One of Tippy's favorite things to do was to jump and dance with the rays of the sun as they shone through the kitchen windows and lit up the floor. Watching her spring and twirl brought a quick and easy smile to my face!
Thank you dear kitten family for teaching us joy, awe and so much more.