One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, May 21, 2010

All babies are beautiful...

How can you not smile just looking at these adorable baby Otters? All Mothers in our world family want their babies to be happy, healthy and content!!

Peace to you..

Thank you Mother Earth for the peace and calm that your beauty brings to our bodies, minds and spirits!! How can we not ensure that future generations will be able to experience this same gift!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rooted Deep..

When I want to feel more deeply rooted..and connected this image of Tree helps me to know just that! Thank you dear Tree for allowing me to feel more deeply rooted through you! You help me to remember that All is rooted in the Energy of Life!

Feel her strength...

A friend introduced me to this magnificent being during a retreat. You will see more pictures of her. Enjoy her beauty and feel her strength. What power and long standing witness to the process of life!

Thank you..

It's been a busy couple of weeks..and things are coming together well. As usual the beauty of Mother Earth calms my spirit and warms my heart. Thank you dear Mother. More and more of your family are awakening to your needs and the extent of your pain.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Who will speak?

I was just reading that new chemicals are being used to try and stem the flow of oil from the oil spill. The impact of these chemicals on water and sea life is being monitored but largely unknown at this time!! How sad that sister water and all life living within her are treated as experiments with unknown consequences. The ray of hope is that more and more of our human family are raising their voices on behalf of Mother Earth. Now is the time, like never before, to speak and to act!