One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thank you Wild Turkey...


With Thanksgiving approaching, I thought It might be a good idea to take a closer look at Turkey. What a majestic and colorful creature you are. The number of  feathers you have and the variety in size and color amaze me.
One other thing I learned about you at A-Z was that you are an adept flyer!! I hope some day to see you in flight!
For so many years I have eaten of your flesh and never really taken a good look at you for who you are.
You and your family members have fed me/us so often. I loved waking up to the wonderful aroma of your meat being cooked as Mom prepared the table around which we would gather and give thanks.  I didn't really understand back then the full gift that you gave to us, as you gave us your life.

For too long, I took you for were food being cooked..Not a beautiful being willing to give your life that we might eat.

Now.. I see you differently and I hope I honor your gift more deeply for the sacred offering that you share.
May we this thanksgiving, take the time to give thanks for your sacred being, as we commune not only with you but with all of our loved ones with whom we will gather.

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