One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Peek-a-boo.. I see you!!

When I saw this picture all I could think of was...Peek-a-boo!! One great tree making her presence known!! I had to lighten things up a little after some very serious posts! Thank God Mother Earth also has a sense of humor even as she deals with some very heavy stuff!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Mother Earth's Plea...

Dear Human Family...
Your Mother is hurting and needs your help to heal and sustain life,
your choices have destroyed and are destroying
the gifts I provide for your growth and development.
Is this what you really want?
None of us are meant to be "Lone Rangers"
every single being is necessary for the growth and good of the whole.
I need you just as much as you need me.
Healthy Families depend on each other, support each other,
nourish and help each other...
so that together
we can provide for the growth and vibrant life of all our members.
We have a very big family that needs us..
Can I count on your help and support?

False hope!

In this Associated Press photo by Chuck Cook, a Vinca flower floats in a brown oily sludge in a canal behind a home just off Lake Pontchartrain near Slidel, La. The life of the Vinca could not be sustained in the oily sludge...neither can ours!!

Hidden oil..

This picture taken from the National Geographic web site is of a beach area in Pensacola Florida after it was found that "toxic oil lies hidden under even clean patches of beach along the US Gulf coast."
The ramifications of the oil spill grow larger and larger each day and the length of time to "clean up" seems endless.
Do we want our children digging up toxic oil as they play at the beach?
The choices are ours to make...What do we want now and for the future?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The gift of being fluid...

When I chose this picture, I wasn't sure why.. I was fascinated by the colors within the water and impressed by the rock I continued to ponder I realized the gift that water has for moving around obstacles! Water is not afraid to change direction when her path is obstructed...! In moving around and through obstacles she is able to get back on track and continue moving forward. Going with the flow takes on a much clearer meaning!
Dear water, thank you for showing me the power and gift of going with the flow by being willing to change direction when necessary on the pathways of life.
Sometimes a change of direction can seem like a failure or loss; yet it can also be, just what it is, a change in direction that will ultimately bring me back to the path necessary for my journey to continue.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Splash me!

With the high heat and humidity we are experiencing, the thought of being splashed by this wondrous wave cools me off!! Growing up in New Hampshire, summer meant trips to Hampton Beach in Hampton NH, where the water was COLD! Refreshing yes, and cold! I loved diving into wave and feeling her power roll over me! Waves also knocked me down and I soon learned to honor wave's strength. I was amazed at the difference in water temperature when I visited Florida; I expected cold and refreshing and got warm and bath like! I complained to my sister that I felt like I was taking a shower rather than being at the beach. As water cools us off this summer, let us remember her gift and do what we can to keep her clean and healthy. I am truly shocked at what I see left on the sand that ultimately winds up carried by waves into Water's depths! I have been careless in not cleaning up my spot after a good day of swimming and eating..but now I am more attentive because I have a deeper understanding of the consequences and the impact of my actions. What a gift it would be if we could leave our beaches free and clear of all our garbage!