One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Like a Peacock.....

This is one magnificent bird! This is the male Peacock who is best known for his beautiful fan of feathers. I always thought that when his feathers were fanned Peacock was showing off, and in one way he is. 
According to A-ZAnimals, the colorful display of feathers by Peacock is thought to be used for mating and defense purposes. The male attracts a female mate by showing off his elaborate feathers and when the male feels threatened he will fan his tail out in order to make himself look bigger and therefore try to intimidate approaching predators.
Yes..there are times when I too can feel intimidated and try to make myself more important than I am. Yet the primary reason I chose to look at Peacock today was his power to attract!!   For so many years women have been encouraged and often told to down play their talents and gifts rather than display them proudly.  It is through the sharing of our gifts and talents that we can help ourselves and others to Live Life Fully.

Jesus was not afraid to offer the fullness of his gifts...He was not afraid to Be fully who he was...and his Presence attracted many.  There's a powerful line from the song "The Summons" that asks..."Does your life attract or scare?"  We have a choice...I choose to attract...what about you?

Thank you Peacock for your power of attraction may we all choose to shine in the most positive and life giving way possible, for the good of ourselves and for the good of All Life.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Small and precious...

and vulnerable...!  To love is so wonderful and precious..and yet my heart breaks when those I love are hurting and in pain!  I want to "fix it" and yet I've come to know that my "fixing it" is not always the best answer!   So many in our family are hurting for so many reasons known and unknown...Feeling helpless is such a struggle for me.

The best I can do right now is to keep loving them and holding them in my heart and in prayer, sending out the Divine Energy of Life, Healing and Love that enlivens and animates us all!  One moment at a time.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A time to remember...

I was teaching thirty beautiful second graders in Concord NH and we were excited about the Challenger Launch as we gathered around the television. Our joy and excitement turned all to quickly to sorrow and pain as the Challenger exploded before our eyes.

As we prayed for each member of the flight and for their families, there were tears and love pouring from our hearts.  As I wrote the names of the seven flight members on the blackboard, each one in the class, chose the name of one person and their family, that they would hold in prayer for the rest of the year. 

During that year the seven members of the Challenger Flight, became like family to all in Grade 2. We prayed for and remembered all of them each day. 

I'm sure, to this day, that we will never forget those brave and beautiful risk takers who flew so briefly on Challenger.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Those eyes...

With the passage from Marks Gospel still ringing in my heart "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature", I couldn't pass up this picture. Those deep eyes just captured my heart.

The beautiful creatures of our family give so much love and so much joy in so many ways!

Thank you dear Dachshund for the love shinning through your beautiful eyes!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New awareness.....
I got a surprise this morning as I was reading today's entry from "Living Faith". The line of scripture was taken from the Gospel of Mark 16:15.  It read: "He said to them,"Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature".   When I read the words "every creature" I was amazed and puzzled.  How come I had never heard this before!?
When I looked at the same passage in my own Bible.. the translation was "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to all creation!"  I was surprised and thrilled.
If we are going to spread the Gospel of Love, to ALL ...all creatures...all creation... are to be included! Yes!!

Until today...I was not even aware of this powerful line!  How come?  Mark found it important enough to share with us...but it seems to have remained hidden like a "hidden treasure" which from today on.. will no longer be hidden.  Thank you Mark for reminding us that:

If we are going to spread the Gospel of Love, all creatures...all creation... are to be included!
With this understanding we come to know a mutual sharing of love and wisdom with members of our family that we have lost touch with. What a gift for both of us!