One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Trouble and Beauty...

How clearly this flower captures the fullness of life! Seeing it immediately brought to mind the song by Carolyn McDade entitled "Trouble and Beauty"!

Look again...

I was searching for new images of flowers on Beautiful Free when I realized I was skipping over the more familiar flowers...
What came to me was how very often we do that to what is familiar in our lives..
We feel we "Know it", have seen it before, so what...!
What if we looked at everything, including ourselves, as if they had not been seen before?
Up Close and personal... like this beautiful flower from Beautiful Free I wonder what would change for us?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hidden Treasure...

Transparency...reveals a hidden treasure!
What would be the gift of transparency in my own life?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Handle with care...

How would our growth process be affected
if we handled ourselves
as gently as a rose petal?

Gentleness is not weakness!

Tenderness brings strength and healing!

A slower pace brings focus and clarity!

Handle all beings with care...

Especially yourself......

Swimming lessons...

All children have to risk change and new beginnings!!

The power of change...

Change is both wonderful and challenging!
I was going to say frightening as change can be that..but I'm trying to
see change with new eyes and focus on the challenge of possibility.. rather
then fear of the process.

Life in process...

At this moment in my life what remains still and not yet ready to come forth.. and what is bursting forth into full bloom? How beautifully each member of our family reflects the ever changing stages of growth.

Monday, July 26, 2010


I couldn't resist this beautiful picture of another Blue Bird! I also wanted to share about something called the "Butterfly Affect" which I read about while I was on retreat and it touched me deeply. According to the "Butterfly Affect" the Web of Life is so deeply interconnected, that the simple stirring of a butterfly's wings is felt on the other side of the globe!! Think about that! Apply that to all of our thoughts, words and actions ...what power we have at our disposal!! This realization gave me a much deeper respect and appreciation of prayer. So often we might wonder if our prayers make a difference.. well.. If a gentle flap of a Butterfly's wings can make a difference on the other side of the globe then our prayers, thoughts and actions have that same capacity.. WE ARE CONNECTED THAT STRONGLY!! What support, care and healing we can offer to all the members of our Family.. near and far..! That is the reason for the addition of the candle to the blog.. to remind us that our actions of love, prayer, and healing are that far reaching and do make a difference.