One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let the people of Iran know we care..

Our prayers are also with the people of Iran
who experienced a severe earthquake today.
Because of its depth
the fact that
 the epicenter was in
 a large unpopulated area
the number of deaths
was less than expected.
As thankful as we are for
the reduced number of deaths, 
this does not minimize
in any way
the pain and fear
currently being experienced.
Sending our love and prayers
can be a way of easing that pain
and helping the people of Iran
to know that they 
are not alone. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Send prayers, love, peace and healing..

Please send prayers, love, peace, strength and
to all those in Boston affected by the two bombs
that went off at the finish line of
the Boston Marathon!
It was reported that
Newtown Connecticut Family members
 were sitting in
VIP seats next to the area hit by
the bomb.
Love, peace, strength and healing
to all first responders
and those working in the hospitals..
Love, peace, strength and healing
to all families waiting word
of their loved ones.
Spirit of Love
Embrace Us ALL
with your strong

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A gift offered...

Thank you for your beauty...
Your color brings joy to my heart..
and the number of your family members
amazes me..
your petals
your stem
your leaves
your core,
with its own centered family!!
You are amazing
and I am
so grateful
your presence!