One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I am family...

We can see that Pelican is one incredible being thanks to A-Z animals! With an enormous wingspan and keen eye sight Pelicans are able to swoop down to the ocean surface to catch fish from incredible heights! Not all Pelicans are as big and many are land based.
Pelican's main predators are on land; namely the human, cats and coyotes. They are hunted for their meat and their feathers.
With the oil spill, Pelican's search for food, will now jeopardize his/her life. Now, when they dive they risk not only being immersed in oil, but swooping up oil contaminated food sources for themselves and their young.
If we listened with our hearts, I think Pelican would urgently remind us, I am family!! We breathe the same breath..Creator made us so that we could help each other become the best of who we are by sharing the gifts we have with each other. I would love to share with you if you would be willing to get to know me! I am family.

Will you help me?

This Associated Press photo by Charlie Riedel has haunted me all week as it speaks loudly and clearly to the impact of the oil spill. Why is it that in difficult situations it is always the most vulnerable who pay the dearest price!
Am I, as a caring human being, willing to change my life style in a manner that will enable me to live in harmony with all life? Will I as a caring human being and part of the web of life, think more carefully about the consequences of my actions for the long term, rather than act for immediate gratification of "my needs" alone?
"When do we have enough food?
Enough water?
Enough clothes?
Enough books?
Enough sense of self?
Do we even know
what enough is?"
Forgive me dear bird for the pain I have caused you by not being willing to say ENOUGH!
Forgive me dear bird for the pain I have caused you by not being willing to speak up on YOUR
behalf! The road is long..yet the longest journey begins with a single step.. I choose to take that step and to journey until All needs of all beings are recognized and respected!
Will you help me?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The language and beauty of Clouds..

At the time I took this picture I was more focused on the silhouette of the person and the ripples in sister water. When I looked up and saw the swirling pattern in the clouds I was fascinated.
Until then, clouds for me, spoke the language of coming storms and changes in weather patterns. I had never really paid attention to the beauty of their patterns and shapes, except as a child! Friends and I would make a game out of finding particular characteristics in a cloud pattern; an angel, a teddy bear or or a snow man!
Today.. I still enjoy looking at cloud's characters..but, I pay a lot more attention to the beauty of their twists, twirls and colors! The Cloud family truly does have a language and beauty all their own.

I never knew..

Thanks to A-Z animals I learned that one of the smallest members of our family, Ant, can lift 50 times its own body weight, and pull 30 times its body weight!! Who ever would have guessed the power of so little a creature.
It's amazing that after living life for 66 years, how sparse my knowledge is about so many of the members of our family!
I can remember being fascinated by ant hills growing up.. but I never took the time to learn more. What a gift that it is not to late and we can still get to know and appreciate one another. Thank you Ant, for the gift of you and all that you do, regardless of the fact that some members of your family, like me, didn't have a clue!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Thank you..

June 1st marks the first anniversary of the death of Thomas Berry who wrote passionately about Mother Earth and spent a major part of his life trying to awaken us to the reality that we humans have lost our sense of being part of Mother Earth.
He had a wonderful way of expressing the beauty, wisdom and intelligence of our Earth Mother, that opened hearts and eyes to our place within the web of life.
The beauty and pain of our Earth Mother is more and more visible and we humans are awakening to the needs of Mother Earth and the urgent actions that need to be taken.
Thank you Thomas for being a beacon of light for Mother Earth and for us humans.

Let the creatures teach us..

Prayer for Nonviolence:
I bow to the sacred in all creation. May my spirit fill the world with beauty and wonder.
May my mind seek truth with humility and openness.
May my heart forgive without limit.
May my love for friend, enemy and outcast be without measure.
May my needs be few and my living simple.
May my actions bear witness to the suffering of others.
May my hands never harm a living being.
May my steps stay on the journey of justice.
May my tongue speak for those who are poor without fear of the powerful.
May my prayers rise with patient discontent until no child is hungry.
May my life's work be a passion for peace and nonviolence.
May my soul rejoice in the present moment.
May my imagination overcome death and despair with new possibility.
And may I risk reputation, comfort and security to bring this hope
to the children.
Mary Lou Kownacki OSB

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Strength of the whole..

This beautiful African Elephant exudes strength.. and the words of Anwar Fazal from Malaysia, speak to the strength of One Family.
We all drink from one water
We all breathe from one air
We rise from one ocean
And we live under one sky
We are one
The newborn baby cries the same
The laughter of children is universal
Everyone's blood is red
And our hearts beat the same song
We are one
We are all brothers and sisters
Only one family, only one earth
Together we live
and together we die
We are one
Peace be on you
Brothers and Sisters
Peace be on you.

Life and safety for all..

My heart goes out to all those in Central America who are poor and living through the flooding and landslides caused by tropical storm Agatha! Folks who have so little and yet are a people who stand with one another, sharing all that they have as they begin again after so many challenges. They are rich in Faith, Hospitality, Solidarity, Compassion, Creativity, and Hope! Human Family.. let us vow to make real that all people shall have safe and sturdy housing that honors the space of all life forms!! How long can we close our eyes and our hearts to our sisters and brothers who are made poor so that those who have will have more, far more than they need!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Exquisite Beauty and Presence!

The color and wing span of Birds of Paradise are exquisite and I wanted to let this beautiful bird express my thanks for a very special person who celebrates her birthday today. Susan Jean and I have been friends ever since she gifted me with her presence as an aide when I taught second grade in Concord NH over 20 years ago. Susan Jean has lived with Down's Syndrome, all of her life. She has taught me the beauty, power and strength of seeing and doing things in a different way. She is aware of her gifts and quick to see the gifts of others. Susan Jean has a wonderful sense of humor, loves music and dance, and enjoys watching tennis and baseball. She is honest and direct. When Susan sensed that I was getting upset with a classroom situation, she would come up behind me and gently begin to rub my back..her way of reminding me to relax and lighten up! Susan's memory was incredible. As we worked together I would often ask her to remind me of things during the day which I would forget, but she did not. I referred to her as my memory! When correcting papers, more than once, she would come to me and say.. "you marked this wrong and it's right!" and it was! For many summers we shared vacation time together in Rhode Island,once during a hurricane! Susan is very comfortable being herself and she is just as comfortable in being with. Conversation was not always necessary.. just Presence!! I smile as I write this because I had recently asked in prayer to be shown how to be truly present in my life. Having been a "doer" for much of my life, being present with my God and with others, does not come easy. For Susan Jean, presence is natural. In the car, as we traveled back and forth from NH to Rhode Island, Susan could sit quietly with no need to engage in chatter. Her presence spoke of contentment, love and peace. Thank you Daddy God, for reminding me of Susan Jean's genuine ability to "Be" and to "Be With". Happy Birthday dearest Susan Jean, and thank you for the gift of your exquisite beauty and presence in my life.