One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Well said..

It will do us little good
to wire the world
if we short-circuit
our souls.
There is no delete button
for racism, poverty,
or sectarian violence.
No keystroke can ever
clean the air, save a river,
preserve a forest.
This transformational
new technology
must be an extension
of our hearts as well
as our minds.
The old rules still apply,
Love your mother--
Mother Earth
Tom Brokaw, Journalist

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Look Closely...

In case you haven't noticed I love the picture of this little Otter! The Otter looks like she/he is about to ask me a question. So I'll do it instead. What could I do today that would add a little bit of fun as I go about doing the routine things?
Remember as kids when we made up games as we were in the car going from school to home to shop to get ice cream? Checking out the different places named on license plates.. The first one to see the color blue as we drove... How many Red Chevrolets can we find between now and our destination?
I can be too serious at times and need to do something just for fun.. so today.. I'm going to count all the different colors that I see as I go about? In the sky, the pavement, the soil, the grasses... particularly on the routes I take on a regular basis.
Have you ever had the experience of traveling a route over and over again thinking you know it well only to notice one day something that you never saw before? Maybe it is brand new.. and maybe its been there all the time and never been seen.
By the way..Different shades of one color can count as a new color! .. and Have FUN!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Truth is..

Several people have commented on the beautiful pictures and the beauty of the slide presentation on my blog. They are indeed beautiful but they were not taken by me. The slide presentation was made available as part of setting up the blog here on Blogspot and the current pictures that you see with my writings have come from the Internet.
I do have some of my own pictures to share and will do so soon. I am in the process of moving from using film to digital and its taking me a while to adjust.
Thank you for your appreciation of the beauty that you see.. I am grateful and at the same time do not want to take credit for what is not truly mine. I give thanks for all the wonderful sites that allow us to share their wonderful photos and applications.
I will definitely let you know when my photos and perhaps a slide show arrive!
Until then, enjoy what is here and even more so.. walk a little slower as you go out today and take note of the colors and patterns in the sky and all around you.

Monday, March 1, 2010

What is happening?

With two devastating earthquakes and some very powerful winter storms affecting our world family within a relatively short period of time I'm wondering what is this all about, why is this happening? I do not have definite answers, just more questions. Do these storms and changes have anything to do with the long term pollution of our waters and our soils? Do we even choose to acknowledge that there is and has been a heavy pollution of our waters and our soils? Strip mining has laid the earth bare and we wonder why there are more mud slides? The reality of water pollution was made very real for me in a story last year of possible remnants from a plane crash being found in the ocean. A large wooden platform was found and was believed to have come from the missing plane. A reporter stated, "No it was not from the plane it was just a piece of garbage." "Just a piece of garbage!" I was thinking, when did our oceans become "garbage dumps"? The analogy I've been using to try and sort this all out for myself is in relation to our human bodies. If I as a human being continue to eat and live in a way that is dangerous to my health, do I not have to take the responsibility for my choices and long term habits? If nothing changes, NOTHING CHANGES. So too, if we as members of the human family choose to pollute and destroy waters and soils in the name of growth and development, do we not have to take responsibility for our part in such actions and their impact on Mother Earth as a whole? Chief Seattle reminded us many years ago that "What we do to Mother Earth we do to ourselves." By living in Harmony with all of Creation, Life can become beautiful and vibrant for ALL!!