One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The joy of Giving...

Think of all the snow flakes that gave themselves to create this beautiful image! What a generous gift.

This same generosity is seen in a video called "Companion to the Forgotten".  It was downloaded to my wall on Face Book.  You will be touched beyond belief by the expansive love given by one human being to the "forgotten".  I was inspired and had to post a reference to it, here.

Let's keep giving the Simple Gifts..a kind word, patience, a cup of coffee, your presence, a simple meal, a note of thanks or forgiveness... they are the real and best ones we can offer.!

Enjoy the gift of giving!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sacred Space...
This quote from Brian Swimme touches something in me that makes me want to dance with joy and at the same time..I wonder...what does this really mean? I know and yet I don't know.  Ponder his words for yourselves.
"We are space, an opening
where the Universe
Celebrates its existence"

The First Gifts....

As we think about the gifts we'd like to give and receive this year..lets give our families and ourselves the gift of getting back in touch with the natural world!   These generous gifts are freely given and bless the receiver in abundant ways.

Take some time to really see...with new eyes the beauty that is all around us...Take a walk....gaze at the stars... Take note of the dancing rays of golden sun that pour through your windows...

Thank you dear Mother Earth for your abundant and generous gifts....Help us to see you with new eyes and an open heart....Help us to appreciate and understand that you and all of our family members in the natural world are the First Gifts of Life.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rock solid and yet...

The power of change is with us whether we see it or not.  I am in awe as to how gentle water can wear away the most solid of rocks..yes, it is over a period of time..yet it happens consistently.  Change is constant in so many ways can I become more comfortable with that reality?

How do I look at change? With the eyes of fear and uncertainty..or with the eyes of newness and even adventure, confident that I have all I need for the present moment!  I tend more toward seeing with the eyes of fear and uncertainty and I want to move more consciously and steadily toward seeing with newness, adventure and confidence. 

Staying in the moment definitely helps me to see with newness and even adventure because the daily things take on a slower and more "in touch" reality.  Thank you water and stone for opening my eyes to a more positive understanding of change!