One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, February 22, 2013

I finally heard it....

I heard it today!!
I've known it..
but I've chosen
not to hear it.
Today I heard it..
What you say..
What did I hear..?
I heard the roaring
train in my head
that says... Go..
Go.. Go.. don't stop..
hurry up.. you've got
to do ..this and this and this..!!
Even when I think I'm
The train whistle blows...
I made a choice
to stop and enjoy
what I am doing..
Right where I am.
The train is stopped..
and now I know
I have a choice..
It's all up to me.
Thank you dear Mother Earth
for your daily moment to moment
to stop
 the train!!
This time I listened
I heard..
I stopped!

Play time...!

I see you!

Love at first sight...

I know
I am beautiful!

The Gift of Community....

One big family...
All the same...
and yet
The absence of
just one,
affects the whole.
Little do we realize
the full impact
we have!
One by One
We make a difference!