One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, February 10, 2012

The human face of resistance!

NewYorkTimes photographer: Samuel Aranda

"A thin man rests his head on the shoulder of a burqa-clad woman,
the pair collapsed together against
a wall"

The World Press Photo jury has selected a New York Times photo
 taken in Yemen last fall as the photo of the year
for its encapsulation of the anguish that accompanied the Arab Spring uprisings.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rock hard resistance!!
My heart goes out to our sisters and brothers in Syria.  They are standing in rock hard resistance to the powers that have dominated their lives for so long.  So many have given their lives in this struggle.
Take a minute and send love and strength to these valiant family members.
May the hearts of those who fight for power and control be softened...
May the in their stand for freedom and peace
and may the controlling powers finally let go...with no more pain and death.
Brothers and Sisters seeking peace many of your family members
stand with you and support you in your journey to peace.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Lighten up!

How often I've heard the phrase "written in stone"!  Sometimes I need to remember that all things said by me or others are not written in stone.  Each of us can change and do change, and I want to honor that for
myself and for all I come in contact with.

I also am often very curious as to how and what created the markings in the stone itself. Some seem accidental while others are much more deliberate. May we in the human family be open to the ancient wisdom that our stone family members provide for us. Thank you stone family for your presence and wisdom. As I learn more and more about the wonderful web of life we share, I am understanding and seeing you in a whole new way.