One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Who decides?

I have mixed feelings about what this image shows!  Giraffe seems content..but..would she/he rather be in a different space?  With such long legs and his/her slender neck..wouldn't she/he rather be in a wide open space to run freely and pick food from tall tree branches?

Space is a critical issue for so many..and for many the decisions about their space are out of their hands!

A zoo can bring much joy and awareness of many unique creatures...but...if the beings in the zoo had a choice, would they choose the often tight closed in spaces they are given? 
Years ago as I was preparing for a study trip to Mexico, with other Sisters of Mercy, to explore how local and global issues are connected, we were presented with this question:  "Who decides, Who gets, How much, Of what?  

I think that question is as valid today as it was then not only with regard to those who are made poor in the human family but for all of our sisters and brothers in the natural world who can not speak on their own behalf.
"Do unto others as you want done unto you"...does this not include the issue of space, dwelling and habitat for those who give their lives for our needs on a daily basis?

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