One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ah Ha moment...

How often do I have to hear something before I really take it in?   I have always been awed by the development of the Butterfly from Caterpillar to Chrysalis to Butterfly.. The process was slow...deliberate and fulfilled in its own time.

Well.. today I realized that I/WE/Life is in that same process, each Being in their own way, on a daily basis.
Moment to moment is a movement toward growth...and we as humans are conscious of our choices as to how and when we will proceed.   How blessed we are to be given that opportunity moment to moment on a daily basis.

Somehow this Ah Ha moment energizes me and challenges me to take each gifted moment and do my utmost to move forward in a positive and intentional manner!! 

It's not that I was not aware of this Life process.. It's just that I now truly realize the gift and impact of the Life Energy and process that I share with all life. All of my choices matter..all of my thoughts matter..small or large..!  All Life Forms affect the life and growth of one another...our interactions with all of our family members matter. 

Thank you dear Butterfly for manifesting in your life the life process we all share.. each in our own way..
Thank you Mystery of Life for opening my eyes and my heart to the magnificent and precious gift we are and are becoming!!

The words of Saint Iraneus come to mind.. He said.. The Glory of God is Man fully alive..  I think he would also resonate with the adaptation "The Glory of God is All Creation Fully Alive!!

Let us take each moment of our Aliveness and move forward until we can sing with joy of being Fully Alive.. and... the gift is.. "Fully Alive" keeps expanding and expanding... Wow...!    

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