One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Risking new beginnings...

I wonder if Butterfly remembers life as a Caterpillar?   Moving slowly and close to the ground as opposed to having the option to land or take flight!! Wow!! Talk about new beginnings!!

So many of the day to day activities that were once so familiar are now new and different...from where I store my food and dishes to the view I have from my kitchen, living room and bedroom!  Taking an elevator from the third floor to get to the bottom floor and go to the car...rather than walking down 7 steps out the door to the parking lot. 
Needless to say, there are adjustments to be made...and a need to continue being open and willing to risk and embrace the newness. 

Thank you Butterfly, I have a new appreciation for your willingness to risk the unknown!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Beginnings...


New beginnings are wonderful and difficult.  With the help of many, for which I am very grateful, I have made the transition from living in Rhode Island to living in Nashua New Hampshire!!   I am blessed with a third floor apartment that I love, and other Sisters of Mercy in the same building.  The view from my living room windows is of gently swaying trees and constantly changing sky. 

My sister and I spent the weekend organizing cupboards in the kitchen and creating rooms of beauty, warmth and space.  Truthfully, my sister is the one with the gift for turning a house into a "home", a truly sacred space. We ventured out onto unknown roads in a spirit of "adventure"...finding success and getting lost..and finding our way home again.

 As the small green leaf comes into fullness and experiences what it means to be alive and to grow...we too, have the same opportunities for newness and growth.  As I watch the new green leaves experience the impact of a strong wind...I can almost hear their awe and their fear...!  Growth pains are real for all beings.   May we support each other as we journey into newness...realizing our strength and discovering new gifts and abilities!   Thank you for the Gift of New Beginnings!!