One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, April 30, 2010

Please teach me..

A friend sent me an e-mail with pictures of a "Transparent Butterfly" which I loved. I went on line for free pictures and this is the one I chose. I had never heard of a Transparent Butterfly or seen a picture of one until today. I find it astounding that for every step of growth in our lives there is a Creature who can show us the way if we are willing to seek and ask! What are the gifts of being transparent? Am I willing to be transparent in my life? Thank you for challenging me to risk transparency!

Remember me..

Many Sea Turtles are being found dead on the shores of the west coast. The cause of their deaths has not been determined. Today, we are told that the recent oil spill has touched land, in an area that is supposed to be a "protected area" for sea life. Who knows how many more species will die as a result. All of these family members have a role to play in the web of life and their loss affects that balance. As we enjoy our "sea food" of what ever variety, let us take the time to remember and give thanks to those creatures who give their lives daily so that we can eat and be nourished. We will remember, Sea Turtle..and Shrimp..and Clam..and Oyster...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm so sorry...

Say hello to Mother Manatee and her family! I had never seen Manatee until I went to Florida. Manatees are noted for their ability to clean the waters in which they swim! When Manatee and I met, she/he was swimming in a large indoor tank recuperating from a large sliced cut down her back. The cut was the result of a boat having driven over her. I was shocked at such insensitivity! I wanted us to think about Manatee today as we ponder the pain being inflicted on all Life due to the oil spill caused by the explosion on an oil rig. A spill that keeps growing larger and larger in scope and impact as more information is shared. I'm so sorry Manatee for your pain and the pain of all creatures because of the lack of awareness and sensitivity by your human kin. Hopefully we humans will choose to recognize the impact of our actions on the rest of our family and choose to make decisions focused on the good of ALL Life rather than profit margins.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The power of small..

I am in need of inspiration in light of all the struggles going on within our Earth Family..and once again I find that inspiration in beautiful and strong butterfly!! Some times "small" can seem so inadequate.. small responses to those in need, small amounts of time, small steps in a new direction..small numbers supporting key issues.. and yet so much begins small and moves slowly, patiently and steadily toward growth and full development!! Thank you dear butterfly for reminding me that life and growth is a process....and that small steps consistently taken can lead to more..exactly what your birth process, mirrors for us, in such a beautiful way. And.. as I was writing.. I was reminded of another family member that teaches that very same reality.. the family of seeds! Without the planting of the very small seed their is no life. May we honor the power of our small steps, with patience, nurturance, steadfast dedtermination and the anticipation of Life!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Life..

Lots of thoughts swirling in my head this week! Oil rig explosions, oil spills, tornadoes, death.. Our Family is in a lot of pain!! I needed some "Good News" and I found it by reading "Easter Moments" by Joyce Rupp on the National Catholic Reporter home page this morning. In the midst of so much pain and uncertainty she encourages us to look for the "Easter Moments" in our lives. Those moments that bring Joy and New Life.. This picture of Tree was an Easter Moment for me. I find renewed strength in Tree's expansive and deep roots and rekindled hope in the sprouting of new life within those roots. Thank you Joyce and Thank you Tree and plants for sharing your gifts with me today. They are just what I needed. Now I'm going to make myself a "smoothie" and enjoy another Easter Moment as I drink in its delicious fruits and flavors!!