One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, January 13, 2011



Yes.. Together.. we Thrive...
Tuscon...America...Mother Earth!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

They will know us by our Love...


After hearing President Obama speak, honoring those who died and those who survived the shooting incident in Arizona, I want to live my life in a way that honors the lives and the work of those who died and those who were injured. 

May we as a people, as a family on this beautiful planet..choose to live out of the best of our daily thoughts..words..and actions.

May the light of our Love shine brilliantly on all we encounter...strangers...friends and family!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



May our snowstorm bring a beautiful blanket of white..without to much fuss. For those that can be at home.. Enjoy... and for those who must be out...Thank you and our prayers are with you for peace and safety.

Hold in love and prayer...


All of our family members in Austrailia who are going through severe flooding..and all of the creatures that are being found dead in large numbers here in the United States.

May the sacred energy of life and love renew and heal all those who are suffering and give us the wisdom to know what is behind the many deaths of our sisters and brothers in the natural world.

Monday, January 10, 2011

fragile not hateful...

My heart goes out to all those living with the grief and pain of a loved one's death or injury due to violence.
There are no words to express the depth of that pain and grief.

My heart also goes out to those who have caused that pain and grief and to their families. There are no words to express the depth of that pain and grief.  Let us not judge as no one of us really knows the full story of their lives and why they respond in such a hurtful way. 

May those who have hurt others have the courage to be accountable and get the help they need so that such hurt, never occurs again. 

All of these families live the rest of their lives with this grief and pain. May they know the love and support of caring family and friends, and in time may the balm of forgiveness be offered and accepted.

All of you are loved dear family members, your tears are seen, acknowledged, and held in my heart.  May prayers of love and support bring you gentle comfort today and in the days ahead.

Unity in Diversity...


May we open our hearts to the beauty of all of life!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Worth the climb!!

With the violence and pain of this weeks news..the power of Love seems so small...yet...I need to remind myself that just as the climb to the top of these magnificent mountains can also appear to be impossible...
It is the consistent movement one step at a time that brings us to where we never thought we'd be.

Sooo...may we continue to be the light of love that we are.. one step at a time.. one day at a time.. knowing.. that each expression of love is making a difference that we may not ever be aware of !