One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fragile yet free..

I have always been amazed
and challenged by
 the beauty and fragility
of a bare tree.
Tree is totally vulnerable..
Every detail of tree's being
is made visible...
Tree's brokenness..
as well as tree's strength's...
Leaves and blossoms
 no longer conceal and protect
tree's flaws...scars..and emptiness.
Tree is most real...and genuine.
There is no shame
or fear...
This is who tree is!
give me the courage
to be just as real..
and just as genuine..
without the desire
or need
to hide or be ashamed.
Like you
I want to be
and  Free...

Thank YOU...
Thank you
the Gift
May you know
that you are loved unconditionally
and always!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

The gift of Empowering...

Each time we share of our gifts
and of ourselves with another...
the giver and the receiver can be empowered..
toward  growth
and newness.
New understandings
New beginnings...
We have no idea of all that is within us...
until someone reaches out
and helps us to see
the more of ourselves...
When we risk going forward
at each step
our sense of empowerment grows....
Did caterpillar
have any idea
of the Butterfly within? 

Color Power...

picture taken from facebook
I love the deep dark of the limbs
calling forth the rich tones of red...
How often
affects our movements
through the day...!