One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dear Beautiful Bud,

Photo: Judith Kapp

You seem gently embraced as you move through your journey to full blossom.
You remind me, that I too am wrapped in love in each moment of my own 
Your full bud reminds me of all the unknowns that you hold
 and your patience as those unknowns become known.
So often I want to think I know exactly what is supposed to happen and yet that is not
what always comes forth.
Help me to become more comfortable with the unknowns in my own life, 
and more trusting.
Believing that whatever does come forth, will bring a most benevolent outcome for my life.

Thank you dear bud..your message is just what I needed to hear today.
I am most grateful. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dear Flowers,

I love your incredible fullness and uniqueness, 
as you carry a world within you
and each and everyone matters.
I love your sister's patient waiting to burst forth into the beauty of who she is.
Your diversity in color and texture is rich and deep.
I love the silent strength of each stem that holds you tall and strong.

You show us, in a beautiful way that in order for you 
to BE in your FULLNESS 
 many family members are needed, some easily seen, some not.

Help us in the human family to recognize our own interdependence
and to honor and give thanks for all those  visible, silent and unseen
that hold us up tall and strong in our daily lives.