One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Do you see?...

Clark Little/SW NS
I was sent an email with incredible pictures taken by Clark Little and I wanted to share the one posted here as it reflects the words of Teithard de Chardin in a Christmas Card I received.

"We imagine the Divine
as distant and inaccessible,
whereas in fact
we live steeped
in its burning layers"

May we open our eyes and truly see the Divine
 all around us
and within us!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Little things can mean a lot!

As we move through this beautiful Christmas Season I have decided to have fun and great joy in doing little things with full attention, and to give gifts of the heart rather than spending beyond my means.

Like a Christmas elf I will be holding the door open for some one with a big smile and a simple "have a good day"...saying thank you while looking the person right in the eye and meaning it from the heart...

When I witness some one doing an act of kindness.. I will thank them for it and let them know it lifted my spirits...Give family and friends heart felt hugs.. leave little notes of love and thanks tucked under a dinner plate or in a lunch box..

Spending beyond our means only adds stress and pressure rather than joy, love and fun. Over the years my twin sister has given me gifts that are expressions of love and care rather than spend what she doesn't have to make me happy at Christmas.  Her gifts of the heart truly enliven me and the best part is I never grow tired of reading them. 

One year I got a beautiful letter of love, typed on Christmas paper with an eye catching bow! To read of my sisters love and appreciation for me, meant more than all the packages in the world. Her  letter  warmed my heart and continues to do so, as I  read it when ever I need to be reminded that I am loved.

Another time..when I came to visit, no specific holiday, she put a simple bouquet of flowers on the table beside the bed where I would be sleeping with a little note.  I felt special and treasured.  The little things that we do.. mean a lot!!

I'm looking forward to "making some one's day" in my own simple way each day of the season and into the new year. Let's not underestimate the power of simple gifts from the heart to bring joy, peace and hope!!

Let the light of love shine forth and may this Christmas be the best ever!!