One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Friday, May 18, 2012

What is beautiful?
Yes..this rose is beautiful...
it is seemingly perfect...
Why is "perfect" the seeming definition
of beautiful?
Or is it just my definition...??
Beautiful is far more
than the exterior...!
Beautiful is the courage it takes
to live with oneself
Accepting one self
for the Gift of
Who We Are.

I have been following the story
of a young woman, order to halt
a deadly flesh eating bacteria
in her body..
has lost a leg,
and is facing the loss
of both hands and
a foot..
Her response, when told of the
pending  loss of limbs,
in order to save her life...
"Lets do this"!!!
The Courage and Beauty
of this young woman
is speaking loudly to me...

For too long our culture
has had a very narrow
understanding of beauty....
and I have been guilty of the same...
All to quickly  labels
of disabled, different, strange..handicapped,
mentally challenged...
overshadow and mute..
One's Beauty...Wholeness...Courage..
Creativity..Strength and Love...

To all Beings
 whose Beauty has been overshadowed
by labels..I say to you today...

You are Beautiful...and I see your beauty.
I honor you...for Who you are...As you are...
I Thank you...for expanding my focus
and understanding 
of the true meaning of Beauty.

I love you...for you
The Gift you are..
to Our One Family. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thank you Mother...
Thank you Mother Earth 
and all Mothers
of all Beings
who have
given so much of themselves
to nurture and sustain life
for so many.
Thank you also to those
in our lives
who have nurtured us,
as a mother would.
We Love You,
We Honor You,
We Thank You!