One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Take a break...
Take a break....
Enjoy some time out side..
with friends and family
Notice the beauty all around you!
You will feel better...
and sleep even better...!
Even more..
Take a break...
and blow some bubbles...
You will have Fun...
and create wonderful
shared memories!!

The overview...

This photo reminds me that when I feel anxious
about what is happening within our world family,
to trust Love, Who has the bigger picture! 
An over view provides a more detailed and
more complete view of the particular part
which can not be seen with the 
limited vision and understanding
of the human.

It is a reminder to me as well,
that when I hear a story..I may be hearing
only a small part and need to seek out the
fuller version for its real truth.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Have a beautiful day!
Take some time
just for you....
In doing so,
you bless yourself
your loved ones,
who will enjoy doing
for themselves
just what you are doing.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Remember to laugh!!

Forgive me dear Giraffe,
but your picture puts a big smile
on my face..and that
is not a bad thing.
Thank you for reminding me
not to take myself so seriously
and to just relax
and enjoy

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Unconditional Love..

Like this rose...
we are still beautiful
even when we fall!!
May we learn to love
when we are up...
and especially when we are down!
A new day...
is also
a new beginning!!

The gift of possibility...
A young graduate's gift...
Read and be inspired...

See with new eyes...
See our world today with new eyes...
May different...become a gift
rather then a threat..
Family, Friends, Strangers...