One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just being with..!!

I was on a trip with friends several years ago and one of our stops was at a ranch where you would have the opportunity to ride a horse. I was excited and wanted to give it a try. I filled out the paper work that covered the possibility of injury and waited my turn to mount up and go! A young man held the reins and stood in front of a tall, beautiful, coal black horse, whose name was Lady, as I tried to get my foot into the stirrup. Because of the stiffness of my legs I was not able to do it as I needed more height. So, not to be deterred, I climbed a three step platform that would give me the height I needed to get up and on to Lady's back. I tried again. I got my foot in the stirrup but I was not prepared for the wide expanse of Lady's back!! This beautiful animal was BIG!! There was no way I was going to get my legs across the expanse of her back and sit, never mind ride. I did not have the flexibility it would take. Seeing my disappointment, the young man asked me if I would like to hold the reins and just stand with Lady! Yes!!! I was so grateful for his kindness and patience! Standing next to that Big and Beautiful creature, as she stood proudly in all her glory, was an incredible experience!! To look into her deep set eyes and to feel her notice the power of each movement as she gently shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she stood. I was awed and amazed!! What a beautiful being. What power and strength as well as gentleness and patience. I did not get to ride Lady that day..but I did get the opportunity to be with her up a way I had never experienced before. What a gift for me and I hope for her. Thank you Lady, the gift of your presence is still with me!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Where do we look?

I've been thinking..What if the solutions to many of the difficult questions being posed for the next generation are being birthed in the hearts and minds of those the human family chooses to keep at a distance? A prime example; In regard to the needs of Mother Earth I believe we should be asking for the wisdom of our Indian and Indigenous sisters and brothers.. yet we do not..What stops us? There's a saying that speaks to doing the same thing over and over again.. yet expecting different results.. When will it become real for us that If nothing changes, nothing changes! This applies even more to Where we look for answers? Some times the best solutions come from the most unexpected sources..are we willing to look? One other source seems obvious but maybe not..Will we also have the courage, strength and willingness to look within, to tap the Wisdom of the Source of All Life residing within us?? How often we pray.. Lord, make Me an instrument of Your Peace? What if the questions and possibilities stirring within our own hearts are the seeds of new life needed at this time? Will we speak? Will we act? Just where do we look for answers, possibilities, solutions?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Diversity is beautiful but only..

I've been wondering.. Why is it that we in the human family can readily appreciate and embrace diversity in food, flowers, sports, drinks, chocolate, animals and so much more; yet.. When it comes to diversity within our own species.. rather than being appreciated and embraced, diversity seems to stir up fear, distrust, distance and a loud cry for sameness! For me, sameness can be beautiful yet it can also be boring and predictable! I am an identical twin and it didn't take long for my sister and I to grow weary of being "the twins" as we were growing up. "The Twins" was not the fullness of who we were. Yes, we were identical in many ways, and at the same time we were both unique and different. I really want to understand how Diversity can be so beautiful and greatly appreciated in so many areas.. yet when it comes to Being Our Unique Selves.. difference becomes a threat? What are we afraid of?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Much more than weeds!!

How did these bright beautiful flowers become "just weeds" in our minds? For me, seeing their bright faces on the lawn as I walk, puts a smile on my face too. They are like droplets of sunshine dancing in the grass. Look closely and see the circular pattern and layers of petals, so delicate and yet so strong as you try to pull up their roots! I love to watch young children around the Dandylions. The joy of the child for the Dandylion is precious and real. It's almost as if they are drawn to each other. The child and the Dandylion appreciate the beauty of each other. Beautiful child meets exquisite weed here!! And as if that were not enough..the Dandylion has more to share with us.. At a workshop with Miriam MacGillis of Geneis Farm, we were reminded that the Dandylion transforms from a yellow ring of sunshine into a white fluffy almost transparent ball of seeds that are scattered by the wind as she ends her life into newness once again. (Little kids and us bigger kids, love holding that puffy white ball and blowing its seeds into the wind.) The Dandylion like the Butterfly, gives us a real and concrete understanding of growing into newness. Both are transformed from one unique form into another. Both make real Jesus words; Life is changed.. not taken away!!! And we humans say the Dandylion is only a weed?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The power of Light in the Darkness..

At the Easter Vigil Service, the lighting of the new fire, in a darkened church, touches me deeply. To see that bright bold flame of light surge upward reminds me that I am never alone even when I may feel that I am. The second gift of that Light for me is Hope.. Hope that out of the darkness comes New Life..Blessing..even when it takes a form that I may not quite fully understand at this moment. Knowing that I am not alone, and knowing that out of the darkness can come new life.. gives me the courage and strength to continue on the journey. I may not understand, I do not have the whole picture, but I trust in the Love and Faithfulness of the Source of all Life. Another key action of the Easter Vigil, for me, is the sharing of the new Light with all those present by the lighting of each candle held by each person. What a gift to see the darkness of the church lessened more and more as each candle is lit. What a powerful reminder that each of us in our own unique ways is light and hope for one another. I give thanks for Jesus words; Peace.. Be not afraid, I am with you always. May we all walk in that peace and assurance letting it flow to all we meet.