One Family...

One Family...
The Beauty of Each Being..The Power of Our Truth..The Wisdom of Our Experience..Sustain and Make Us Community...Margaret Parent

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Today I needed to be reminded that "Life is changed, not taken away"! 
My heart breaks at the death of a vibrant  19 year old male and then an
 incredible 31 year old woman!!
I knew them and their families through my Pastoral Ministry work
here in Rhode Island.
 I have been given the gift of life for 66 years..
I do not understand ..."Luv"..  Sacred Mystery
I trust Your Love...
You have the Bigger Picture that I do not..
Life is changed...not taken away...
Peace and strength to all those who grieve the loss
of a loved one...
Life is changed...not taken away!!
Thank you dear Blue...for reminding me
of our
on going transformation process...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How well and in what am I rooted?

What an incredible web of roots tree has!  Which has me thinking about my own roots.. not in terms of family history but in what grounds me.!  Nourishes me?  Sparks my energy?  Where do I gather strength when the journey gets rough?  What keeps me going when the road has lots of twists and turns?
Is it possible to take our roots for granted?  How often do I give thanks for my roots?  And I have to include my family roots because without them.. I would not be here!   More and more I am  seeing that my "family roots" are more expansive then just the human family!
Ahhhhhhhhhh have given me much to ponder.. Thank you!